Where can I get the approval from you for a post?
Please don't censor me.
Is everything you don't like spam?
I wonder what is so shocking that these media are shown like this, it is the simple truth. Propaganda.......... Wow!........ ^^
Why you follw me and don't answer at my question?
You're just following me to spy and never do anything?
To better spy on your users?
I received a notification that you started following me several months ago
and to put you in the notion of time, it was the "spacedream" time that deleted his SPAM account with his free energy........
I repeat to you friendly that this image is not propaganda but a truth, Facebook and all these sites are information siphons.
If you don't accept exchanges as people want, I don't think it's a fair freedom of expression because you only agree with yours.
Let your subscribers do what they want... As long as it's not hate... No ?
For your link, I'm sorry, but I only flew it slightly over and it's just a monologue about the people who seem to have blocked you or about the FBI.....
All this in all simplicity. Have a good evening!
i added you because of “anarchist” tag in your profile. Later i found that you are not anarchist and removed you from my connections.
I do not understand this part of sentence. Please explain. What the notion of time, whos SPAM account?
I want. I want to exchange. But this spam account does not exchange, they act only in one way of irresponsible posting, ..........
My tag: #simili-anarchiste.....
I am not in favour of destruction, violence and hatred as many people get involved in this subject...
And you're still following me.
You don't remember harassing the one who spreads the keshe subject and so on...?
Nah! You don't know but you remember, you teased her enough that she closed him account on your server. Anyway, it's really perfect that he's missing right now.
Virtual love.... Beuark, falling in love with an image..... Poor them if the case but I anyway, at my age, I am not here for love but for multicultural exchanges. Love is like shopping, only local as much as possible!
I don't understand the Russian at all...... I try to use a translator but it's very rudimentary......... For the English language, I practice it despite the fact that my native language is French Canadian but very close to the Ontario lines so I master English with the help of a translator for some words in writing.
You understand what you want, you deflect the truths and you follow me, stop acting like a hypocrite Ivan!!!!!
I no longer waste my time, your comments lead to nothing,
you will always be right and you divert everything with the discussions
because you don't like people different from you...
Don't worry, I never waste my time talking behind other people's backs
so you can stop following me right now.
That was my last waste of time with you.
That's censorship isn't it?
Why is this spam in your eyes?