Maybe. Maybe not. We’ll just have to wait and see. For starters, if he doesn’t fall deathly ill, I want to see several impeccable and independently administered tests demonstrating that he actually had the virus.Because the sad reality about today’s White House – and the entire Trump Administration - is that when it comes to truth, they have zero credibility. In fact, what they actually have is a long and richly-documented history of lying about damn near everything.I also wouldn’t put it past him or any of the lying boot-lickers who surround him to have faked the whole thing. Let’s say that even though he’s in an ultra-high risk category, he miraculously “survives” without even going to the hospital. Doesn’t even get very sick. Just sits on his ass in the White House and recovers.Bingo! It’s proof that the whole virus thing is overblown and blah, blah, blah - just like he’s been saying all along. He can also claim that the “hydroxy” worked like a charm, and his evangelical base will say it’s divine proof that he’s Almighty God’s chosen one. Yeah. That sort of stuff. A big made-up, completely bogus distraction that garners a huge wave of sympathy nanoseconds before November 3rd. Far-fetched? I don’t think so. Not with this crowd.
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