Eww, i must wash my eyes
Wolf is not from the USA
You tolerated similar comments for a long time, but as soon as they included examples of national Canadian culture, you began to remove them.
He should fap more and post less, lol.
When did I ever side with you?
What do you mean "as soon as?"
Lol, if you honestly are under the impression that any of what you described is typical of Canadian culture then you are severely deluded.
But we already know you have some issues, don't we Ivan? 🤡
And by the way, most people don't consider it censorship to remove spam.
Earlier, i removed you from my privacy groups, deprive you from getting my private posts.
without violating my principles of mutuality.
deprive you from getting my private posts.
The National Socialists were extremely anti-lgbt and Hitler coming to power put a stop the the Weimar era degeneracy that was rampant in Berlin at the time.
The rainbow lgbt movement would never have come to Germany if Hitler or someone like him was still in charge there. Your impotent attempts to associate the third reich with homosexuality tell us more about you than ey do about anything else. You have demonstrated very clearly that you have a homosexual fixation with nazis.
You haven't treated anyone as mutal on this network, you're just a troll.
You don't follow any priciple about it, you do what you do for your own satisfaction and the only reason I didn't block you was to deny you that.
I don't need your attention Ivan.
The way you've been orbiting my posts suggests that you need mine.
If you're too dull witted to read a significant text then maybe it's time you take your leave.
You have been very focused on me for the past several weeks. You orbit my posts with a campaign of harassment against me. For weeks you post repetitive spam in every single one of my posts.
You constantly @ me, and then when I finally started to remove some of your spam you complain you are being censored.
And then after all that you try to claim that it is me who wants your attention?
I don't care to hear from you, I don't want your attention.
If you want to prove me wrong, then stop replying. Stop commenting on my posts. Don't @ me.
Don't post about me and don't think about me.
Can you do that Ivan?
Could you go back to doing whatever it is you were doing before you became so focused with me?
His obsession seems to be almost homoerotic...
His obsession seems to be almost homoerotic…
You did exactly what i expected you to do. It’s probably technically a manipulation, but i don’t think i’m manipulating you, i’m just monkey over you (to monkey - as verb). Just like when you did something immoral and unacceptable for you, after i said was i’d do it, but i didn’t do it.
I can’t accept your “try to start over” offer, try to establish a relationship with someone else, but not me.
First you tried by threats, then you tried by harassment, but your attempts to control me have all failed.
In the end it was you who removed the connection.
But this is not true, all one has to do is look back through my posts to see that plenty of your spam comments included your mentions of Canada before and were not removed.
I purposely tolerated your spam for so long because I knew when I deleted it you would claim censorship.
However I did this after you had committed yourself to being a recurrent commenter on my posts with your repetitive copy pasted spam. Trying to claim these things as proof that I sought your attention after you had already committed yourself to a campaign of harassment against me is lame and dishonest.
You can go on believing what ever you want to believe.
I'd rather not waste anymore time with you.
I do not want to hear from you ever again.
You've made it clear you don't like my content, so now that you've "removed me from your connections,"
Funny now you’re complaining about harassment like a typical feminist or metoo activist. All my messages that you call spam start and end with the same words: “please remove me from your connections”. This is attempt to avoid your stalking over me.
You hear that, Wolf? Clown girl here needs you to use smaller words in shorter sentences, lol!
Care try that post again, mushmouth? It makes even less sense than the shit that you usually type.
Lol, no, clown. I directed it to you.
I did clarify it you fuckwhit retarded fag. It was directed at you, Ivan. You're the cocksmacked faggot that keeps interjecting themselves everywhere they're not wanted; which is literally everywhere.
And how do you know what others do behind closed doors?
As for me projecting myself onto you.. well, guess that's another of your homoerotic fantasies.
You're also assuming that you know me.
And, assuming you're correct about my nation of origin you're assuming I'm typical of my nation.
Keep assuming, buttboy.