20 October 1879 London Times — there had been a severe drought in Spain all during the summer. Public prayers were offered. Down came the rain.
“The materialists are refuted,” some of the devout, of the Old Idol, must have thought — for the first few minutes.
Down came the rain. And came. And came. And came.
Five villages were destroyed and 1500 persons perished.
No: despite Charles Fort’s cynicism, I don’t care to attribute these
appearances to a particularly tricky “God” — especially when an appearance has apparently killed 1500 people. But I do think, heretically and “dangerously,” of non-local effects, of the “maybe” in between “yes” and “no” in Quantum Logic, of “solid” “objects” that are superimpositions of waves, according to one quantum model, and of “minds” that are superimpositions of waves if the “minds” are transactions involving brains and the brains are made of cells which are made of atoms which are made of electrons which are superimpositions of waves.
21 March 1913 Wellington Evening Post (Australia) — another drought, ane public prayers for rain.
“The greatest disaster in the history of the colony” says the Post, describing the subsequent flooding.
If “God” is not mad, as Fort claimed, then maybe “God” is, as Buckminster Fuller once wrote not a noun but a verb. That is, "God" is what religious people do, as, in some models, an electron is an operation performed by people (physicists) — "God” as the act of praying, the energy raised —
4 June 1913 Homeward Mail (China) — another drought, and more prayers, this time to the Chinese “gods.” Thunder and—
Sixteen persons killed in the floods. Canton was a month in digging out and rebuilding.
Well, anyway, some may be relieved that it isn’t only the Christian “God” who sometimes malfunctions.
16 September 1905 Times of India—another drought, and prayers to the Hindu “gods,” who were also out to lunch.
An earthquake followed and smashed the town of Lahore.
We can all be glad that the word “coincidence” exists. Otherwise the Materialist Fundamentalists would find these stories just as puzzling and frightening as the Religious Fundamentalists will find them.
"The New Inquisition", Chapter 6, ""Mind", "Matter" и Monism"
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