Сentrrnauchfilm: Hydride Earth Hypothesis
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP7s0A4-alMA Soviet popular science film about the development of the Originally Hydride Earth hypothesis by
geologist Vladimir Larin (English subtitles available).
Fifty-five years ago, Soviet geologist Larin proposed the
hypothesis of the Originally Hydride Earth, according to which the planet's core was formed of metal hydrides. On this basis, Larin hypothesized that the Earth's core consists of iron and silicon hydrides and thus contains a significant amount of hydrogen, which is gradually released and seeps into the atmosphere. According to this hypothesis almost all features of the development of the planet are explained by the release of hydrogen from its interior.
His hypothesis does not agree with the generally accepted modern views on the structure of the Earth, according to which the Earth's core contains 85.5% of the mass fraction of iron, 6% of silicon, 5.2% of nickel, 1.9% of sulfur and other elements, among which hydrogen is located in last place.
According to this hypothesis, the Earth is in a process of gradual but constant expansion, in the course of the release of hydrogen and its compounds from the bowels. Therefore it also contradicts the modern generally accepted geological theory of plate tectonics, according to which for many millions of years on one side of the spherical oceanic Earth there was a single supercontinent,
Pangaea (at the same time, in the generally accepted model, it had no effect on the balance of rotation around its axis, compared to the modern), which gradually split up into continents known today, by the
"spreading" of tectonic plates. At the same time, modern data on the topography of the ocean floor, in particular, the mapping of
mid-ocean ridges, agree better with the
model of the expanding Earth, and in particular, with the Larin hypothesis.

In addition, Larin's hypothesis contradicts the well-known theory of the
water cycle in nature, according to which the total amount of water on the Earth does not change, and it constantly circulates by evaporation into the atmosphere and precipitation. According to the Hydride Earth hypothesis, hydrogen released from the interior is oxidized when it reaches the atmosphere and so water is formed. As a result, in addition to moisture turnover, so is the continuous formation of water from the Earth's interior. This hypothesis explains, inexplicable within the framework of the generally accepted theory, the non-drying
sources of some mountain rivers, in the absence of glaciers.
Vladimir Larin spent many years developing his hypothesis as part of the academic work of the Geological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Despite the fact that towards the end of his life he withdrew from academic activities and 20 years ago registered his personal patent "
Method of Using the Earth Mantle Substance for Hydrogen Production" (field of use: obtaining cheap and economical energy sources, in particular fuel for internal combustion engines; the method includes: searching for continental or oceanic riftogenesis zones, underpinned by diapirs of anomalous mantle with outflow of mantle substance languages into the crust, drilling wells into the mantle substance with the help of turbo drill), some researchers note that Larin's hypothesis is incompatible with capitalist science and capitalist worldview in general, because fundamentally violates the general principle of economic inflation, because
according to such a hypothesis, when hydrogen escapes, the Earth's interior can constantly generate not only hydrogen oxide, but also abiogenous compounds of carbon with hydrogen.
capitalism #
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expandingearth #
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hydrocarbons #
hydrogen #
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