Mithraists are closed paramilitary homosexual clans. All governments of the modern type are ruled by Mithraists. The origin of the cult of the Mithra is from the Roman Empire, it is the cult of Mithra-Sol. The structure of modern society: the union of the cults of Mithra and Cybele against hetero men.The Imperial cult in the late Roman Empire was a double, two-part cult:1. The cult of Mithra-Sol is the cult of deification of the Emperor and his troops.2. The cult of Cybele, the Great Mother of Gods (the Mother of God).Emperor Julian wrote two main works: "Speech to the Tsar of Sun" (this is the cult of Mithra-Sol) and "Speech to the Mother of Gods" (this is the cult of Cybele).In the modern church Cybele is revered under the guise of the Mother of God (although, in the Gospels Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a clearly negative character, she walk for Jesus and wanted him to stop preaching; Jesus said that not she was his mother - Matthew 12:46-50). And suddenly, for some reason, the cult of the "Virgin Mary" appears in the state imperial church. This is actually the continuation of the veneration of the pagan Cybele.Formally, the atheistic secular state, but it is still the Rome with the obligatory reverence of the Imperial cult of Cybele, in the Soviet version - the Motherland, and the "sacred motherhood" as such.Women's interests are protected by the laws established by the ruling homosexual Mithraists. For example, now almost always women are left with children after divorce. In return, women create an unbearable family environment for hetero men and weaken them, making them safe for state homosexuals. For example, they send their sons to school and the army, where they are putted down and their will is broken.In return, the ruling homosexuals guarantee women small but regular contributions (the pension, for example). And women do not rely on their husbands, but on the state.There are three levels of power:1. The uppermost are the ruling homosexual Mithraists.2. Average - Priestesses of Cybele and women.3. The most powerless: hetero men, husbands in families.What is the point of women's oppressing of hetero men, while remaining too friendly and loyal to homosexuals?By weakening hetero men, they increase the success of homosexuals in the male hierarchy. The stronger men's friendship, the more cohesive the homosexual team is. Mithraists are able to build successful interaction among hetero men. Hetero men are fighting with each other because of the miserable pennies their females need, and hell and torture awaits them at home from their wives. Homosexual unions allow Mithraists to successfully violate the laws, which in principle were created to oppress hetero men by women with the help of Homosexual "Tweed Ring".Mithraists unions thus provide a comfortable environment for the oppression of hetero men by women. And the Cybele priestesses unions provide a comfortable environment for the oppression of hetero men by homosexual men.Not all homosexuals are Mithraists. There are non-system homosexual men, and they are harassed by Mithraists as potential competitors. Intra-species struggle it is very tough. That's why they "fight for morals", "disperse gay parades", etc. In fact, for Mithraists, the fucking of boys and subordinates is a matter of course, it's just their nature. This is the fundament of the whole vertical of power has stood since the time of Rome.For a Mithraist, the sexual act of a male and a male is the Mystery, it is a sacred act of transferring the Imperial Logos. And when a Mithraist sees such parades, with rainbows, "for freedom", "tru-la-la" - it makes him furious. For him, it is blasphemy, sacrilege, profanation of the Man's Mystery Miracles.
Митраисты это закрытые военизированные гомосексуальные кланы. Все государства современного типа управляются митраистами. Происхождение культа митраистов - из римской империи, это культ Митры-Соля. Структура современного общества: союз культов Митры и Кибелы против натуралов.Имперский культ в поздней римской империи был двойным, двухсоставным:1. Культ Митры-Соля, это культ обожествления императора и его войска.2. Культ Кибелы, Великой Матери Богов (Богородицы).Император Юлиан написал два основных сочинения: "Речь к Царю Солнцу" (это культ Митры-Соля) и "Речь к Матери Богов" (это культ Кибелы).В современной церкви Кибелу почитают под видом Богородицы (хотя, как известно, в евангелиях Мария, мать Иисуса, - чётко отрицательный персонаж. Она таскалась за Исусом и хотела, чтобы он прекратил свои проповеди. Иисус сказал, что она ему не мать, что она ему вообще никто.) И вдруг, почему-то в государственной имперской церкви возникает культ "Богородицы". Это на самом деле продолжение почитания языческой Кибелы.Формально атеистическое советское государство - это всё тот же Рим с обязательным для имперского культа почитанием Кибелы, в советском варианте - Родины-Матери, и "священного материнства" как такового.Интересы женщин защищают законы, установленные правящими гомосеками-митраистами. Например, сейчас при разводе почти всегда детей оставляют женщинам. В обмен на это женщины создают для натуралов (мужиков) невыносимую обстановку в семье и ослабляют их, делают безопасными для государственных гомосеков. Например, отдают своих сыновей в школу и армию, где их уродуют и ломают им волю.В обмен на это правящие гомосеки гарантируют женщинам мелкие, но регулярные подачки (ту же пенсию например). А женщины делают основной расчёт не на мужа, а на государство.Есть три уровня власти:1. Самый верхний - правящие гомосеки-митраисты.2. Средний - Жрицы Кибелы и женщины.3. Самые бесправные опущенцы: натуралы, мужья в семьях.Какой смысл женчинам кошмарить мужичков, оставаясь при этом излишне дружелюбными и лояльными к гомосексуалистам?Ослабляя натуралов, они усиливают успешность гомосексуалистов в мужской иерархии. Чем крепче мужская дружба, тем сплочённей команда гомосеков. Они способны выстраивать успешное взаимодействие в мужской среде натуралов. Которые грызутся друг с другом из-за жалких грошей, которые нужны их самкам, а дома их ждет ад и пытки от садисток жён. Союзы гомосексуалистов позволяют им успешно нарушать законы которые в принципе и были созданы для угнетения натуралов женчинами, с помощью круговой гомо-поруки.Таким образом союзы митраистов обеспечивают комфортную среду для угнетения натуралов женчинами. А союзы жриц Кибелы обеспечивают комфортную среду для угнетения гомосеками натуралов.Не все гомосеки являются митраистами. Есть ещё несистемные гомосеки, и митраисты их травят как потенциальных конкурентов. Внутривидовая борьба она очень жёсткая. Именно поэтому "борются за мораль", "разгоняют гей-парады" и т.д. На самом деле для митраистов–силовиков ебать мальчиков и подчинённых — это в порядке вещей, это просто их природа. На этом вся вертикаль власти стоит со времён Рима.Для митраиста половой акт мужчины с мужчиной — это мистерия, это священный акт передачи имперского логоса. И когда митраист видит вот такие парады, с радугами, "за свободу", "тра–ля–ля" — это его повергает в бешенство. Для него это кощунство, святотатство, профанация мистерий.
You use the present tense in the English, with that do you want to talk about a present conspiracy or are you talking about ancient mitraic society (which sounds really really interesting!)?
I have heard that the Russian military is rampant with sodomy.
3185 @ivan zlax , either you time travel or use a different calendar. If you time travel, surely you must have better ways to express it. If a calendar, surely you could explain this. Is this the Mithraism calendar? In any case, associating Mithraism with a “present day” conspiracy for the future relative to us makes sense for a P. Dick novel, but in the real world the notions that gay people want to “turn” straight people fuels violence and oppression. I’ve said “no” to gay advances (on dance floors in bars) more times in my life than I can count and have not engaged in sodomy, nor was I pressured into joining a cult. I like how this post doesn’t blame the parades, but such small details might be ignored, and it seems more likely to incite violence against homosexuals in general.
either you time travel or use a different calendar.
If a calendar, surely you could explain this. Is this the Mithraism calendar?
I’ve said “no” to gay advances (on dance floors in bars) more times in my life than I can count and have not engaged in sodomy, nor was I pressured into joining a cult.
I like how this post doesn’t blame the parades, but such small details might be ignored, and it seems more likely to incite violence against homosexuals in general.
They tried to turn me into Mithraism. I made a distinction between homosexuality as an expression of human sexuality and its alleged association with Mithraism, and by saying "they" in response to my comment, it makes you seem to consider all gay people in the same boat, which you clearly do not. Many feel threatened by gay advances, and I wonder why these people don't just kiss a man. I have multiple times, and it has never gotten better, so I know I don't find them attractive. The capacity to not feel threatened determines the success of any local mating scenario: threat or anger harsh the vibes, make the room feel small, and make every lover less inclined to branch out either in mating or emotional openness. Maybe you have the capacity to act kindly, and people of all sexual-orientations find this attractive. I find it hard to tell someone no, but very important to remain friendly despite failed sexual advances. Sexual advances do not mean they are trying to manipulate you: they are expressions of the dominating manipulation of one's own sexuality, just like any straight person chatting someone up at a bar. If we judge them for it, or refuse them the attitude of friendship, we dissuade them from seeking sexual or emotional fulfilment and promote an environment where the gay-hating straight men get refused by women (for lacking social or emotional competence) and project that anger towards gay men (because they fulfil themselves in ways straight men don't desire, and they sometimes succeed in befriending women and achieving social and emotional competence). If that's the roots of your Mithra-conspiracy, you could fight it today by flying a rainbow flag and practicing polite refusal when propositioned by gay men. Perhaps here is the greatest reason straight men hate gay men: they represent the opposite relationship straight women value in straight men: the capacity to love someone without recourse to sexuality. A gay friend can love a straight friend, even find him attractive, without that friendship becoming sexual. Similarly, women reasonably want lovers who treat them as more than objects. In acting friendly towards gay men, straight men thus take up the female-position in their own sexual-calculus, and their volatile reactions reveal just how deep their sexism takes root. So by befriending gay men, straight men can vicariously experience what it's like to be a woman with male friends, gain emotional intelligence, and social graces. Does homosexuality function as nature's mutual-aid response to sexism?
Yes I thought you were discordian because of your belief that you can not believe.
Does homosexuality function as nature's mutual-aid response to sexism?
erisian Right, that's what I meant. It is a long time since I read that fun book. Orthodoxy seems contrary to what they would have wanted, and takes what was a "religion for fun and profit" and makes it into something which supports the beliefs and views of a small number of people. Not. I have already explained how it would function. Sexism makes males less attractive to females. Non-sexual hetero-homosexual friendship gives hetero-males an opportunity to experience non-sexually motivated friendships (even if sexuality might have functioned as a pretense for the homosexual) and experience the overcoming of objectification with which women struggle daily. The analogy is learning how to follow in partner dances even though you plan on leading: emotional intelligence, empathy, nonjudgemental attitudes. Women (and most humans) value these attributes. Therefore homosexuality serves a purpose to make heterosexual men more social and more attractive to mates: mutual aid in action.
and by saying "they" in response to my comment, it makes you seem to consider all gay people in the same boat
To increase panic and imprint vulnerability, then, the subject, after being seized by the brainwashers (U.S. or S.L. Army, “secret police,” or whoever they may be in a given case) is isolated from all those to whom bonding had previously been established. The draftee is sent to boot camp and sees no loved ones (wife, girlfriend, parents, etc.) for a number of weeks or months. The political prisoner is thrown into a dungeon. Patty Hearst was locked in a closet as soon as she was “rebirthed” out of the trunk of the car.The need to bond the bio-survival circuit to somebody (or some thing) is indicated by the giraffe who imprinted on the hunter’s jeep as a mother-substitute.The first human being who appears to the subject after this isolation can easily become bonded as the mother-substitute, or, next best, as a father-substitute. This explains why people held prisoner by terrorists (e.g., on hijacked airplanes) often develop a “paradoxical” sympathy for those who are threatening to kill them. It also explains why the draftee begins to look on his kidnappers as protectors as well as captors, and why the brainwash victim begins to please, gratify and eventually “respect” the brainwasher.In all cases, since the bio-survival circuit is keyed to nourishment, those who bring food become possible subjects for bonding.The political prisoner, the draftee, the subject kidnapped by terrorists, all move somewhat closer to identification/bonding with their captors as they are fed regularly.Among the Zuni Indians, the male at adolescence is kidnapped by masked “demons” who carry him away from the tribe (away from mother and other imprinted security figures.) He is dragged out into the desert and threatened with whips. Then the masks come off, revealing his maternal uncles, and in that moment of imprint vulnerability the tribal “secrets” (the local reality-tunnel) are explained in a way that leave an indelible mark on his consciousness. Similar rites of passage are found in all tribes, few as cleverly designed as this one. Symbolic and diluted versions survive in Bar Mitzvahs and Confirmation ceremonies in our local mega-tribes.The rebirthing of the second circuit is (relatively) complete when the Bottom Dog subject begins to seek, sincerely (not hypocritically) to win the approval of the Top Dogs. This, of course, only begins as play-acting; the skilled brainwasher knows that, and does not really object. With subtle reinforcement the play-acting becomes more and more genuine.
Orthodoxy seems contrary to what they would have wanted, and takes what was a "religion for fun and profit" and makes it into something which supports the beliefs and views of a small number of people.
Sexism makes males less attractive to females.
It sounds terrible, but that has nothing to do with homosexuality per se.
Furthermore, the "projection" argument can be played anywhere, why not try and take my words as they come rather than disposing of them as mere "subjectivity"?
Homosexuality per se has nothing to do with it, rather the social attribution of dominance with certain sexual actions or with forced sexuality in general.
Looks like you’ve tried to apply your sexist stereotypes to me, widely practiced in the West.
I merely recommended a new reality tunnel.
Whereas (working within your construct of Mithraism)
you should put yourself into a romantic homosexual reality tunnel as well,
doxa meaning a common belief
By putting up further borders between us, first psychological and now physical and cultural, you root yourself in the othodoxy, which means adhering strictly to belief
In accusing me of projecting you display how much effort you must put into defending yourself.
All humans project, especially the orthodox who believe themselves sanctified.
In so far, I will take that moment now and offer that you have gotten lost in an Orthodox Erisim reality tunnel.
You should put yourself into a romantic pedophilic and heroine-addict reality tunnel before me, in this case. Ok?
Also, i know something about Greek that you don’t know.
Apparently you’re the one who’s doing it, since you mentioned it.
I'm not the Erist here, preferring to explore the possibility of shared reality tunnel. Just trying to think eristically. By sharing time with you, harmonization occurs and we make the world less heroin-addicted, pedophillic, and homophobic together.
What's that? And why do you deflect my epistemological statement with "you can believe that if it's convenient for you"? What kind of orthodox non-belief is that? Encouraging me to believe?
I only started because you keep telling me I'm projecting. Who is likelier to be defending themselves? You even refuse to acknowledge key aspects of my arguments like sexism.
That last comment does not feel like a response, but a series of self-justifications to shut down. It feels like talking to 30% of someone whose other posts I like. Maybe we are both entrenched in positions...I could certainly think more about your larger point (I don't deny paedophelia in the higher eschalons of society).
You believe in the overpopulation of this planet, don’t you? I don't, the over-dividing and over-industrialisation sure. In culture where i was born there is no big differences between pedophiles, heroin-addicted and homosexuals. Oh you speak for all of Russia, huh? And all time too I guess?You should put yourself into a romantic pedophilic and heroine-addict reality tunnel before me, in this case.
Anarchy does not oppose a strong democratic government This made you react, showing me that you have a strong sense of devotion to the state.
I don't, the over-dividing and over-industrialisation sure.
Oh you speak for all of Russia, huh?
And all time too I guess?
I have examined life to the best of my ability, why do you try and judge me because I introduce a philosophical distinction between sex and ethics?
I apologize for my mean tone, but disagree about your critique of values.
For you, this is about revealing how I don't care about paedophilia or military action.
This made you react, showing me that you have a strong sense of devotion to the state.
For me this is about revealing your homophobia. In my exuberance and overacting, at least I hear how you really feel.
It pains me to hear you condemn a personal matter like sexual-orientation because it shares a sex-act with paedophilia.
I stand for gay-pride because the elites you claim to be supporting the "LGBT promotion" are in reality extremely homophobic.
dividing you and the world into categories like east/west or homosexual/good, where do I do that lacking a Western value?
You construct such rhetorical tricks and get such a good show ey?
At root, my distinguishing of homosexuality from sodomy and padophilia has nothing to do with the CIA or anything else, it is a philosophic distinction and has its roots in our shared canonical logical traditions.
Your desperate attempts at propaganda
of accentuation and moral justification of unnatural sexual intercourse It never needed to be justified, it's a historical tendency for epochs. There's an entire Plato dialogue in which Socrates argues over whether men should have sex for pleasure or passion. That could be burned if it doesn't fit with your dominant view of nature.correspond to the plans of rich Westerners for depopulation. Ok. That "critical mass" I mentioned are the few people who can stand each other online and organize. Too bad we can't reach each other anymore...even after I told you that I had researched paedophilia and heroin-addiction. Even then you won't listen when I say that they are completely unrelated to homosexuality. Even now, where I tell you I have considered those reality tunnels, you are unwilling to follow through on your word. Very well, I didn't come here trying to be better or more right, but because I thought you might be moved by compassion towards those who suffer regularly because of propaganda which dehumanizes them. I too gave up the human moniker a while ago, not because I thought myself better, but because I knew I must strive first to achieve humanity and humaneness. I wish I could do better here, but at least we knew each other better. When you do decide to follow your word and go to a (relaxed) gay bar, to meet and talk with some gay people, I recommend telling them you're there to meet because you have homophobic tendencies and are exploring other reality tunnels. This will give you an opportunity to talk about reality tunnels, and then you will have something to talk about.
What you are doing for your negative and restrictive beliefs.
Even now, where I tell you I have considered those reality tunnels, you are unwilling to follow through on your word.
Very well, I didn't come here trying to be better or more right, but because I thought you might be moved by compassion towards those who suffer regularly because of propaganda which dehumanizes them.
I too gave up the human moniker a while ago, not because I thought myself better, but because I knew I must strive first to achieve humanity and humaneness.
When you do decide to follow your word and go to a (relaxed) gay bar
you have homophobic tendencies
Please read my words carefully. I consider that someone who advises others, but ignores the suggestions of others, is idle talker.
You should put yourself into a romantic pedophilic and heroine-addict reality tunnel before me, in this case. Ok? If you agree to this, i’ll think about your suggestions.
I strictly follow my words.
Unfortunately, i’ve never met any Westerners who have accept long-continued peer-to-peer communications with me.
That’s not surprising. Humanism, humaneness are the Latin name for anthropocentrism. This is the most destructive ideology on this planet. No wonder you admit to supporting it.
unnatural sexual intercourse
Please find some other place for your depopulation propaganda, please don’t try to promote your common Western values here again.
Because I know you like philosophy and really want me to stay, I will write this post and correct your mistake, but after that I'm totally ready to leave.
Now that I have told you that I have already explored that reality tunnel, have you thought about my suggestions?
No, you didn't mention them once. Instead you just want me to leave. This is not my projection, this is fact.
I am happy to leave, because I don't expect you to follow through on your word and "think about" socializing with gay people, which how I would summarize the suggestions I colourfully made back then when we were still on good terms.
Maybe you share some of that responsibility. Conversation broke down around when you started dividing into East/West instead of discussing what your interlocutor was talking about.
You misunderstand, that is a critique of anthropocentrism. If humaneness is humane, then we cannot yet call ourselves human. If we are human, then humaneness is not humane.
We are all living on her blood, and to blame someone from the West for it is just shirking responsibility.
Common! Why, I never! Well I've said my peace. If you use your last words to insult me some more and associate me with some other awful stuff for good measure, I will try really hard not to let it offend my "Western" sensibility so that we can successfully end this vicious cycle.
For the record I have not once admitted or claimed paedhillic or heroin experience this is your projection.
Suggesting that I visit Ghana is particularly Colonialist, because it assumes I have the resources to do.
How can I not respond when you actively misinterpret me in a libelous manner. This must be your values.
As long as that much is clear, I’m happy to leave.
re_camcew:That is, did you decide to save the British?zlax:Advanced conspiracy theorists of the West prove to their brethren that the statue of liberty is an image of Isis, a Muslim woman. I show typical images of Mithra and Isis - it is not persuasive argument for them. So i decided to translate some xalavschik's models, so they could understand from whom the rays in the statue head grow.xalavschik:Well, of course, these are pseudo-conspiracy theorists. Their task is to lead people on the wrong track, as is the case with reptiloids.re_camcew:You better tell me where they got the condoms on their heads.Rubber has begun to vulcanize - look it for yourself in Google.Ha-ha.
xalavschik:The Phrygian cap has never been made of rubber.re_camcew:Well, you're a fool.You're a fool, like the rest of the dupes, you could be fooled like two gudgeons to kill.That is, faggots are bad.But the story written by these faggots is a real good story.Russax, such russax.Ha-ha.
French philosopher Michel Foucault ‘abused boys in Tunisia’Michel Foucault was one of the first celebrity intellectuals of the 20th century remembered not only for his controversial analyses of prisons, madness and sexuality but for signing a petition in 1977 to legalise sex with children aged 13A fellow intellectual, Guy Sorman, has unleashed a storm among Parisian “intellos” with his claim that Foucault, who died in 1984 aged 57, was a paedophile rapist who had sex with Arab children while living in Tunisia in the late 1960s.
French philosopher Michel Foucault ‘abused boys in Tunisia’The philosopher Michel Foucault, a beacon of today’s “woke” ideology, has become the latest prominent French figure to face a retrospective reckoning for sexually abusing children.A fellow intellectual, Guy Sorman, has unleashed a storm among Parisian “intellos” with his claim that Foucault, who died in 1984 aged 57, was a paedophile rapist who had sex with Arab children while living in Tunisia in the late 1960s.Sorman, 77, said he had visited Foucault with a group of friends on an Easter holiday trip to the village of Sidi Bou Said, near Tunis, where the philosopher was living in 1969. “Young children were running after Foucault saying ‘what about me? take me, take me’,” he recalled last week in an interview with The Sunday Times. “They were eight, nine, ten years old, he was throwing money at them and would say ‘let’s meet at 10pm at the usual place’.” This, it turned out, was the local cemetery: “He would make love there on the gravestones with young boys. The question of consent wasn’t even raised.”Sorman claimed that “Foucault would not have dared to do it in France”, comparing him to Paul Gauguin, the impressionist said to have had sex with young girls he painted in Tahiti, and Andre Gide, the novelist who preyed on boys in Africa. “There is a colonial dimension to this. A white imperialism.”Sorman says he regrets not having reported Foucault to police at the time or denounced him in the press, calling his behaviour “ignoble” and “extremely morally ugly”.But, he added, the French media already knew about Foucault’s behaviour. “There were journalists present on that trip, there were many witnesses, but nobody did stories like that in those days. Foucault was the philosopher king. He’s like our god in France.” With his trademark polo necks, a bald head and spectacles, Foucault, the son of a surgeon, was one of the first celebrity intellectuals of the 20th century remembered not only for his controversial analyses of prisons, madness and sexuality but for signing a petition in 1977 to legalise sex with children aged 13. The best-known biography of him, The Passion of Michel Foucault (1993) by James Miller, describes his interest in the gay, sado-masochistic bath houses of America — he was one of the first openly gay figures in public life and died of Aids — but makes no mention of his sexual antics in Tunisia.Foucault is the most cited scholar in the world, often associated with the rise of identity politics in America, where MC Hammer, the rapper, is one of his fans. “It is almost invariably Foucault to whom contemporary activist studies departments trace their intellectual foundations,” wrote Daniel Miller in The Critic magazine. “At the most basic level, Foucault the famous French professor supplies a signature of seriousness for disciplines without clear academic standards or traditions.”In 1980s America, the “Foucauldians”, as the philosopher’s academic admirers are known, “enshrined Foucault as a kind of patron saint . . . whose authority they routinely invoked in order to legitimate in properly academic terms, their own brand of progressive politics,” Miller wrote in his biography.Sorman, a prolific author, first aired his claims about Foucault in My Dictionary of Bullshit, a book he published this month, and referred again to the philosopher’s sexual misdeeds in Tunisia in a late night television chat show. The host was stunned: “You are talking about Foucault, according to you a paedophile, not something people usually recall when remembering him.” Sorman’s claims have surprised specialists in Britain, where the last volume of Foucault’s four-part history of sexuality has just been published for the first time in English.“There’s a big potential for that to have an impact on him,” said Phil Howell, a Cambridge University reader in historical geography. “Foucault was interested in sexuality and wrote about it, but child abuse is another thing.”For Sorman, Foucault’s behaviour was symptomatic of a distinctly French malaise dating back to Voltaire. “He believed there were two morals, one for the elite, which was immoral, and one for the people, which should be restrictive.”He continued: “France is still not a democracy, we had the revolution, proclaimed a republic but there’s still an aristocracy, it’s the intelligentsia, and it has had a special status. Anything goes.” Now, though, “the world is suddenly changing,” Sorman added. He was far from being the only French celebrity figure with an inflated sense of entitlement. Over the past few years several tell-all accounts have prompted criminal inquiries into figures of the literary and art worlds accused of sexually abusing children in the heady aftermath of the 1968 student revolt.The unburdening began in 2016, when Flavie Flament, a radio and television presenter, wrote a book accusing David Hamilton, the British photographer, of raping her when she was 13. “At the time I was still sucking my thumb,” she told me in an interview shortly after her book appeared. Hamilton killed himself a few days later. Just over a year ago, Vanessa Springora, 48, a publisher, described in a book how she was groomed as a young teenager in the 1980s by Gabriel Matzneff, a fashionable novelist in his early 50s at the time. He had boasted about his paedophilia on television and won literary prizes for the books it inspired. When this emerged, the Parisian elite was already in shock over revelations by Camille Kouchner, 46, the daughter of Bernard Kouchner, a former foreign minister, that her stepfather, Olivier Duhamel, 70, a leading intellectual and political pundit, had sexually abused her twin brother in the late 1980s when he was 13 and 14.Neither Matzneff nor Duhamel have admitted the allegations nor have they been convicted of any offence. The soixante huitards are on the defensive. Luc Ferry, 70, a philosopher and former education minister, argues that his contemporaries have much to answer for. “People had forgotten that 1968 thinking promoted paedophilia,” he wrote in Le Figaro. “Every adult had the right even the duty, they argued, to awaken the sexuality that the bourgeoisie was hiding.”The accusations have prompted a new bill under discussion in parliament that would criminalise any sexual relations with a minor under the age of 15 — at present a child victim of rape must prove force.Last week, however, there was discussion on a so-called “Romeo and Juliette clause” amendment intended to protect adolescent lovers. It would not automatically criminalise sexual relations with someone under 15 if the age gap between the two “protagonists” is less than five years.President Macron has championed the change in the law — which has prompted chortling about how Brigitte, his wife, might have fallen foul of it when her relationship with her future husband began in the 1990s: he was 15 and she was his 40-year-old, married schoolteacher.As for Foucault, he should not be “cancelled”, argued Sorman. “I have great admiration for his work, I’m not inviting anyone to burn his books, but simply to understand the truth about him and how he and some of these philosophers used their arguments to justify their passions and desires,” he said. “He thought his arguments gave him permission to do whatever he wanted.”
Французский философ Мишель Фуко "издевался над мальчиками в Тунисе"Мишель Фуко был одним из первых знаменитых интеллектуалов 20–го века, которого помнят не только за его противоречивые анализы тюрем, безумия и сексуальности, но и за подписание в 1977 году петиции о легализации секса с детьми в возрасте 13 лет.Философ Мишель Фуко, маяк сегодняшней "проснувшейся" идеологии, стал недавним выдающимся французским деятелем, столкнувшимся с выяснением о сексуальном насилии над детьми в прошлом.Один интеллектуал, Гай Сорман, развязал волнения среди парижских "интеллектуалов", утверждая, что Фуко, умерший в 1984 году в возрасте 57 лет, был насильником–педофилом, который занимался сексом с арабскими детьми, живя в Тунисе в конце 1960–х годов.77–летний Сорман сказал, что вместе с группой друзей посетил Фуко во время пасхального путешествия в деревню Сиди–Бу–Саид, недалеко от Туниса, где философ жил в 1969 году. "Маленькие дети бегали за Фуко, говоря: "А как же я? возьми меня, возьми меня", — вспоминал он на прошлой неделе в интервью газете "The Sunday Times". Им было восемь, девять, десять лет, он бросался в них деньгами и говорил: "Давай встретимся в 10 вечера в обычном месте". Оказалось, что это было местное кладбище: "Там он занимался любовью с маленькими мальчиками на надгробиях. Вопрос о согласии даже не поднимался".Сорман утверждал, что "Фуко не осмелился бы сделать это во Франции", сравнивая его с Полем Гогеном, импрессионистом, который говорил, что занимался сексом с молодыми девушками, которых он писал на Таити, и Андре Жиде, романистом, который охотился на мальчиков в Африке. "В этом есть колониальное измерение. Белый империализм".Сорман говорит, что сожалеет о том, что не сообщил тогда в полицию о Фуко и не осудил его в прессе, назвав его поведение "невежливым" и "крайне нравственно уродливым".Но, добавил он, французские СМИ уже знали о поведении Фуко. "В этой поездке присутствовали журналисты, было много свидетелей, но никто не делал подобных сюжетов в те дни. Фуко был королем–философом. Он как бог во Франции". С его фирменным поло воротничком, лысой головой и очками, Фуко, сын хирурга, был одним из первых знаменитых интеллектуалов 20–го века, которого запомнили не только за его противоречивые анализы тюрем, сумасшествия и сексуальности, но и за подписание в 1977 году петиции о легализации секса с детьми в возрасте 13 лет. Самая известная его биография "Страсти Мишеля Фуко" (1993) Джеймса Миллера описывает его интерес к гейским, садо–мазохистским баням Америки — он был одним из первых открытых геев и умер от СПИДа, — но не упоминает о его сексуальных выходках в Тунисе.Фуко — самый цитируемый ученый в мире, часто ассоциирующийся с ростом политики идентичности в Америке, где MC Hammer, рэпер, является одним из его поклонников. "Почти всегда именно Фуко задает интеллектуальные основы современных активистов", — писал Даниэль Миллер в журнале "The Critic". "На самом базовом уровне Фуко, известный французский профессор, дает знак серьезности дисциплинам, не имеющим четких академических стандартов и традиций".В 1980–е годы в Америке "Фукодианцы", как называли академических поклонников философа, "закрепили за Фуко статус своего рода святого покровителя... на чей авторитет они регулярно ссылались для того, чтобы узаконить в должной академической терминологии свою собственную марку прогрессивной политики", — писал Миллер в своей биографии.Сорман, плодовитый автор, впервые выдвинул свои претензии к Фуко в "Моем словаре дерьма", книге, которую он опубликовал в этом месяце, и вновь сослался на сексуальные проступки философа в Тунисе в телевизионном чат–шоу поздно ночью. Ведущий был ошеломлен: "Вы говорите о Фуко, по вашему мнению, он был педофилом, а не о том, что люди обычно вспоминают, когда говорят о нем". Утверждения Сормана удивили специалистов в Великобритании, где последний том четырехчастной истории сексуальности Фуко только что был впервые опубликован на английском языке."Это может оказать большое влияние", — говорит Фил Хоуэлл, читатель Кембриджского университета по исторической географии. "Фуко интересовался сексуальностью и писал об этом, но жестокое обращение с детьми — это другое дело".Для Сормана поведение Фуко было симптомом явно французского недомогания, восходящего к Вольтеру. "Он считал, что существует две морали, одна для элиты, которая безнравственна, а другая для народа, которая должна быть ограничительной".Он продолжал: "Франция все еще не демократия, у нас была революция, мы провозгласили республику, но все еще есть аристократия, это интеллигенция, и у нее был особый статус. Все до сих пор так". Теперь, однако, "мир внезапно меняется", добавил Сорман. Он был далеко не единственной французской знаменитостью с завышенным чувством собственного достоинства. За последние несколько лет несколько признаний вызвали уголовные расследования в отношении фигур литературного и художественного мира, обвиняемых в сексуальном насилии над детьми в пьянящем всплеске студенческого восстания 1968 года.Снятие барьеров началось в 2016 году, когда Флави Фламент, радио — и телеведущая, написала книгу, в которой обвинила британского фотографа Дэвида Гамильтона в изнасиловании ее, когда ей было 13 лет. "В то время я всё ещё сосала большой палец", — сказала она мне в интервью вскоре после выхода её книги. Гамильтон покончил с собой несколько дней спустя. Чуть более года назад, 48–летняя Ванесса Спрингора, издательница, описала в книге, как в 1980–х годах, когда она была подростком, её обхаживал Габриэль Мацнефф, модный романист начала 50–х годов. Он хвастался своей педофилией на телевидении и получал литературные премии за книги, которые написал. Когда это появилось, парижская элита уже была в шоке от откровений 46–летней Камиллы Кушнер, дочери Бернара Кушнера, бывшего министра иностранных дел, о том, что её отчим, 70–летний Оливье Дюамель, ведущий интеллектуал и политический учёный, сексуально надругался над её братом–близнецом в конце 1980–х годов, когда ему было 13 и 14 лет.Ни Мацнефф, ни Дюамель не признали эти обвинения и не были осуждены за какое–либо преступление. Шестидисятники защищались. 70–летний Люк Ферри, философ и бывший министр образования, утверждает, что его современникам есть за что ответить. "Люди забыли, что мышление 1968 года поощряло педофилию", — писал он в "Фигаро". "Каждый взрослый имел право и даже долг, утверждали они, пробудить сексуальность, которую скрывала буржуазия".Эти обвинения привели к тому, что в парламенте обсуждается новый законопроект, предусматривающий уголовную ответственность за любые сексуальные отношения с несовершеннолетним в возрасте до 15 лет — в настоящее время ребенок, ставший жертвой изнасилования, должен доказать насилие.На прошлой неделе, однако, обсуждалась так называемая поправка "Оговорка Ромео и Джульетты", направленная на защиту любовников–подростков. Она не будет автоматически криминализировать сексуальные отношения с лицом, не достигшим 15–летнего возраста, если разница в возрасте между двумя "главными действующими лицами" составляет менее пяти лет.Президент Макрон выступал за изменение этого закона, что вызвало бурю волнений по поводу того, как Бриджит, его жена, возможно, впала в порок, когда начались ее отношения с будущим мужем в 1990–х годах: ему было 15 лет, а она была его 40–летней школьной женатой учительницей.Что касается Фуко, то его не следует "отменять", утверждает Сорман. "Я очень восхищаюсь его работой, я никого не призываю сжигать его книги, а просто хочу донести правду о нем и о том, как он и некоторые из этих философов использовали свои аргументы, чтобы оправдать свои страсти и желания", — сказал он. "Он думал, что его философия дает ему разрешение делать все, что он хочет".
В Польше гей–оргия священников закончилась передозировкой виагры и скандалом с мужчиной–проституткой.Один из пожилых священников потерял сознание после того, как выпил большую дозу виагры, а когда «приглашенный» на мероприятие мужчина–проститутка вызвал скорую — другие священники тут же выгнали его из–за нарушения конспирации.Когда приехала скорая помощь, мужчина стоял у квартиры и пытался зайти внутрь, но несколько священников заперлись и отказывались открывать дверь, чтобы не опозориться, пока не приехала полицияПозже выяснилось, что мероприятие было организовано духовенством и носило чисто сексуальный характер.
«Россия - самая благоприятная страна для любителей острого армейского секса» - это цитата из самого популярного в «голубых» кругах международного гей-гида Spartacus. По данным этого издания, прямо в центре Москвы можно на ночь купить солдата или курсанта. Приводятся даже «комментарии бывалых», которые советуют совершить секс-тур по подмосковным воинским частям. Здесь, мол, офицеры на КПП выносят фотоальбомы, и желающий крепкой «мужской дружбы» выбирает себе бойца по вкусу. Цены, если верить гиду, колеблются от $100 до $500 за ночь.