On this day, exactly 279 years ago, the original father of the Red Shield, the founder of the Rothschild dynasty,
Meyer Amschel, was born.
According to many researchers, his descendants have since
unleashed and
financed many wars.

Notably, the birthday of the founder of the Rothschild dynasty coincides with
Defender of the Fatherland Day in the Russian Federation.
Today, it is believed that this public holiday was "established in 1922, associated with the first battles of the Red Army against German troops in February 1918.
But at the same time, as the
Vremya MN newspaper noted 20 years ago:
In fact, by the evening of February 23, the Germans were 55 kilometres from Pskov and 170 kilometres from Narva. No battles on that day are recorded in either German or Russian military archives. The Germans entered Pskov almost without a single shot on the evening of February 24. On the Narva line, the German troops began an offensive operation only on February 25 and safely completed it by the morning of March 4. Having occupied the Narva-Pskov line, the Germans stopped on their own. They had neither the strength nor the means to launch a further attack on Petrograd.
It is historically worthy to say that the only serious loss for the Germans was in Pskov. But not as a result of the fighting. Recently in one of St. Petersburg archives we found a report of one W. Lamzal: "In Pskov the German troops entered at about 7 p.m. on Sunday, February 24th ... When Germans entered the city, Red Guard managed to blow up a small pyroxylin warehouse, 400 to 600 Germans were scattered in different directions".
Where did this date - February, 23rd - come from in the first place? After all, many historians (I think, also military historians) knew and understood: there were no "Pskov and Narva" on this day! Only in years of perestroika the theme materialized. Yury Geller, himself a former employee of military archives, put forward the following version: "On February 22, 1918, the Sovnarkom appeal "Socialist Fatherland in Danger!" was published.
Also notable is
this early Soviet newsreel in this aspect:

According to which, a year has passed since the creation of the Red Army, as it promoted by modern historiography, and Stalin only calls for its creation at the VIII Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.
No significant event in Russian history linking it to the Red Army is known specifically on this date. That said, the
date is believed to have been determined personally by Stalin:
The myth of the Red Army's first victories, won shortly after the decree on its formation was issued, was created in 1938 on the orders of Joseph Stalin. Pravda published A Short Course in the History of the All-Union Communist Party (b), authored by the leader. It was from this text that it became known that "the armed intervention of the German imperialists caused a powerful revolutionary upsurge in the country... At Narva and Pskov the German occupiers were repulsed resolutely... The day of repulsion of the troops of German imperialism - February 23 - became the birthday of the young Red Army".
It is worth noting that
Stalin's successful political career began at the Rothschild oil refineries in Batumi:
Stalin’s saga in Baku should be therefore preceded by his Batumi adventures. It was Batumi where Soso Djugashvili, already watched by police in Tiflis, left for in November 1901 to get a job with the Rothschilds at the storage facility of their refinery for a daily salary of 6 abaz (1 ruble 20 kopecks) a day, far not the worst salary for that time, one must admit...
Unbelievably, but the world-wide famous Franco-Jewish dynasty of financial and industrial tycoons who combined huge power with glamour and cosmopolitanism of international capitalism employed the future supreme pontiff of international communism who bragged his comrades laughingly and almost singing: “I am working for the Rothschilds!” “I hope the Rothschilds will start to prosper from this moment onwards!”, replied one of them. Stalin’s response came pat indeed.
On January 4, 1902, Batumi was caught in fire when Soso cheerfully boasted: “You know, man, your words came true! The Rothschilds would indeed prosper with me as an employee. My warehouse caught fire!”
Not only did this stir up all Batumi, turning once a quiet and prosperous seaside place upside down and making it a nest for political unrest, but it also started quite a murky but lucrative relationship of Stalin with the Rothschilds and other oil barons’ management to be furthermore continued in Baku.
The Rothschilds, confident in the case’s being an arson refused to pay bonus for the emergency management. This was exactly the step Stalin expected to call a strike. Authorities and secret police (Okhranka) were on their toes trying to apprehend Batumi’s new agitator, but he was already off for Tiflis by train to procure printing press to broaden the strike. The printing press was obtained through Suren Spandarian, an Armenian revolutionary also known as unrestrained Casanova, whose affluent father was a newspaper editor. One of Stalin’s best friends, Spandarian printed Armenian pamphlets on his father’s presses and reportedly supplied Stalin with a separate printing press.
Back in early 1902, upon their return to Batumi with printing press, Stalin and Kamo found the city in uproar. The printing press was set up quickly to broadcast Stalin’s messages to the workers. As a result, the Rothschilds gave up consenting to the demands, including 30 per cent pay rise. This was the first impressive victory of ‘comrade Soso’, also known as ‘Soso the Priest’ among local Gendarmes who intensified their surveillance of the enigmatic young trouble-maker.
It is possible that the exact coincidence of the Red Army/Defender of the Fatherland day with the birthday of the founder of the Red Shield dynasty was determined by Stalin deliberately. But it is possible that it is only an accidental coincidence. In any case, a century later, the dynasty's interest in the region is renewed.
The Times wrote 17 years ago:
The Rothschild family is to return to the oil business in the former Soviet Union, a century after its hasty exit before the Russian Revolution. It has joined Vanco, a Texas-based oil company, to win a tender from the Ukrainian Government to drill for oil in the Black Sea.
The investment is being made by JNR Eastern Investment (which stands for Jacob and Nathaniel Rothschild), the Rothschilds’ Eastern European investment company.
And four years ago,
Ukraina.ru reported:
Financiers from the Rothschild family are so far known in Ukraine mainly because Rothschild Trust Schweiz AG took over former President Poroshenko's business assets, and the financial vultures were eager to buy up Ukrainian sovereign debts in favour of the Rothschilds. But in fact the Rothschilds have their eye on the whole of Ukraine.
Sooner or later, given the state of Ukraine's economy, the time may come when the only lucrative commodity Ukraine will be able to offer in exchange for debts is land. The debt experience of Argentina shows that in these situations the creditors do not back down. Then the debt receipts of the Ukrainian Ministry of Finance can be smoothly transformed into payment documents: land in exchange for debt forgiveness.
Once again, current events show that, as in previous times, the Rothschild family's interest is accompanied by wars.
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