Exactly 60 years ago, the military coup planned by the Kennedy brothers did not take place in CubaOperation AMWORLD is the CIA's code name for their supporting role in the coup plan planned by the Kennedy brothers 60 years ago. Any information about this operation was for a long time highly classified and hidden from the
Warren Commission and from congressional investigative committees.
Lamar Waldron and
Thom Hartmann, who first revealed to the public the details of this Kennedy brothers' plan,
"Ultimate Sacrifice" presents evidence from thousands of pages of declassified documents that John and Robert Kennedy planned to stage a coup against Castro on Dec. 1, 1963, and that the plan was infiltrated by three Mafia bosses (from the mob families that controlled Chicago, Tampa and Dallas). The Mafia chiefs then used parts of the coup plan, including some U.S. intelligence assets, in their plot to kill JFK -- first trying in Chicago, then Tampa, and finally Dallas -- in a way that forced a coverup to protect national security, and the coup plan.
AMWORLD, which began on June 28, 1963, was an integral part of the Kennedys' plan for a coup in Cuba and it's impossible to consider one without the other. Coup planning began in January 1963 as a slow-moving, bureaucratic exercise, and the plan was only in its fourth draft by June 1963. But that month, planning began in earnest after the real opportunity for a high-level coup arose. After the CIA created AMWORLD, millions of dollars began to be devoted to the coup plan. From that point forward, coup planning proceeded rapidly, demonstrating that it had become a live operation. By September 1963 the "Plan for a Coup in Cuba" was in its 13th draft, and the rapid pace accelerated further, continuing through November of 1963.
By Nov. 22, 1963, millions of dollars had been spent on the coup plan, hundreds of Cuban-American troops had been trained, U.S. assets were going into Cuba, and everything was ready.

Daniel Schorr on National Public Radio
summarised this hitherto little-known episode in US history as follows:
President Kennedy and his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, bitter about the disastrous 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion, in 1963 concocted a secret plan to stage a palace coup to unseat Fidel Castro with the aid of the US Army. The coup leader would declare martial law and proclaim a provisional government, then cut ties with the Soviet Union and join the United States in partnership. Robert Kennedy was personally in charge of this invasion plan. D-Day--or, rather, C-Day for coup day--was to be December 1st, 1963. But two weeks before that, President Kennedy was killed, and that was the end of the invasion plan.
It may be added that shortly before his death, the famous author and researcher of conspiracy theories,
Robert Anton Wilson (personally acquainted with the
marine who served in the army with Lee Harvey Oswald, one of the
co-conspirators in the plot to assassinate JFK), in
his personal blog chose to use an image with the date of the failed military coup in Cuba as his userpic.

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