36 SHARAF AL-ZAMAN TAHIR MARVAZf15. The Rus live in an island in the sea, its extent being a distance of three days in either direction. It has woods and forests, and is surrounded by a lake.^ They are very numerous, and look to the sword to provide them with a livelihood and profession {aUma‘d$h wal-kasb). When one of their menfolk dies, leaving daughters and sons, they hand his property over to the daughters, giving the sons only a sword, for they say, ‘'Your father won his property by the sword; do you imitate him and follow him in this.’'And in this way their education (nushu) was effected, until they became Christians, during the year 300. When they entered [the fold of] Christianity, the faith blunted their swords, the door of their livelihood was closed to them, they returned to hardship and poverty, and their livelihood shrank. Then they desired to become Muslims, that it might be lawful for them to make raids and holy war, and so make a living by returning to some of their former practices. They therefore sent messengers to the ruler of Khwarazm, four kinsmen of their king; for they had an independent king called Vladimir (V.lddmtr), just as the king of the Turks is called khdqdn and the king of the Bulghars b.tMu. Their messengers came to Khwarazm and delivered their message. The Khwarazm-shah was delighted at their eagerness to become Muslims, and sent someone to them to teach them the religious laws of Islam. So they were converted. They are strong and powerful men, and go on foot into far regions in order to raid; they also sail in boats {ft sufun) on the Khazar sea, seizing ships and plundering goods. They sail to Constantinople in the sea of Pontus, in spite of the chains in the gulf.^ Once they sailed into the sea of Khazar and became masters of Barda'a for a time. Their valour and courage are well known, so that any one of them is equal to a number of any other nation. If they had horses and were riders, they would be a great scourge to mankind.
Omofor (from greek - shoulder pad) - a wide ribbon with the image of a cross, which is put on the shoulders of the bishop on top of other robes. One end of the omophorion falls from the front and the other from behind.
Омофор (от греч. - наплечник) – широкая лента с изображением креста, которую надевает на плечи епископ поверх других одеяний. Один конец омофора ниспадает спереди, а второй сзади.
Why is Ivan the Terrible's helmet kept in Sweden?
Iran's Consul General Seyed Gholamrez Maiguni deciphered the Arabic inscription on Ivan the Terrible's helmet on display at the Astrakhan Museum of Military Glory. The diplomat claims that the inscription on the upper horizontal belt of the royal helmet is translated from one rare Arabic dialect as "Allah Muhammad". These words may be an abbreviated version of the famous expression "Allah the Great, and Mohammed the Prophet of Him".The world-class Reliqué was brought to Russia from the Royal Armory of Stockholm specially for the 450th anniversary of the inclusion of Astrakhan in the Russian state by the strong hand of Ivan IV.
Почему шлем Ивана Грозного хранится в Швеции?
Генеральный консул Ирана Сейед Голамрез Мейгуни расшифровал арабскую надпись на шлеме Ивана Грозного, выставленного в астраханском Музее боевой славы. Дипломат утверждает, что выполненная на верхнем горизонтальном поясе царского шлема надпись переводится с одного редкого арабского диалекта как "Аллах Мухаммед". Эти слова могут быть сокращенной версией известного выражения "Велик Аллах, и Мухаммед пророк его".Реликвия мирового уровня была привезена в Россию из Королевской Оружейной палаты Стокгольма специально к 450-летию включения Астрахани в состав государства Российского сильной рукой Ивана IV.
14. The #Slavs are a numerous people, and between their territories and the territories of the Pechenegs is a distance of 10 days, along steppes and pathless country with thick trees [ashjdr multaffa) and [abounding] in springs. They inhabit these forests. They have no vines, but possess much honey. They tend swine, and burn their dead, for they worship Fire. They grow mostly millet, and have a drink prepared from honey. They have different kinds of pipes {mazdmlr), including one two cubits long. Their lute is flat and has eight strings but no peg-box {bunjuq), while {illd anna) its pegs are level. They have no great wealth [laysa lahum sa' at fil-ma'lsha).Their weapons are javelins and spears, and they have fine bucklers.Their head chieftain is called suwlt} and he has a deputy called sh,Yih} The king has [riding] beasts and on their milk he feeds.The town in which he resides is called Kh. z h. r a t. , where they hold a market for three days in every month. Among them the cold is so severe that they dig deep underground dwellings which they cover with wood, and heat with the steam [produced by the burning] of dung and firewood. There they remain during their winter season.In the winter the Majghari raid them, and as a result of their mutual raidings they have many slaves.
Славяне многочисленны, а между их территориями и территориями печенегов расстояние 10 дней, вдоль степей и безлюдной страны с густыми деревьями (ашдр мультафа) и [изобилующими] весной. Они живут в этих лесах. У них нет вин, но есть много меда. Они ухаживают за свиньями и сжигают своих мертвецов, ибо они поклоняются огню. Они выращивают в основном просо и пьют напиток, приготовленный из меда. Они имеют различные типы труб, в том числе две локти длиной. Их лютня плоская и имеет восемь струн, но без колышка {бунжук). У них нет большого богатства. Их оружие - копья и дротики, и у них прекрасные щиты. Их главного вождя зовут suwlt} (?), и у него есть заместитель. У короля есть звери, которых он кормится на их молоке. Город, в котором он проживает, называется Kh. z h. r a t. (?), где он находится три дня в месяц. Среди них настолько холодно, ветренно, что они роют глубокие подземные жилища, которые покрывают деревом и отапливают паром [образующимся в результате сжигания] навоза и дров. Там они остаются во время зимнего сезона.Зимой Маджгари совершают набеги на них, и в результате их взаимных набегов у них много рабов.
Not to be confused with Roman Empire or Western Roman Empire.That's what it says right on top on the wikipedia article you just shared.
unfortunately I do not know that word and cannot find a plausible translation on the internets.... Could you elaborate, please?
to flit, to flutter, to fly about(ironical, deprecative) to hop, to move (from place to place)