Ilya Zhitomirskiy was born 30 years ago in USSR.

At NYU, he studied computer science at The Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, where he met the three friends with whom he founded DIASPORA*, a social networking service, in 2010. The project was conceived after the founders had attended a lecture by Columbia Law School professor and free software activist Eben Moglen in February 2010 about the threat to privacy posed by commercial Internet services. According to Moglen, Zhitomirskiy was "immensely talented" and "the most idealistic of the group... He had a choice between graduate school and this project, and he chose to do the project because he wanted to do something with his time that would make freedom".
CNN, Nov 26, 2010 issued article about Diaspora* with vivid title "The 'Facebook killer' won't look like Facebook":
In the spring of this year, the "Facebook alternative" Diaspora achieved extensive media coverage -- including an article in the New York Times -- and raised tens of thousands of dollars in funding from online donors.
Business Insider, Oct 20, 2011:PayPal was blocking social networking startup Diaspora from accessing any of the donations in its PayPal account
No one seemed to know why -- Diaspora indicated that it's happening "arbitrarily."
This happened on the heels of Diaspora reaching out to its users to ask for more donations on top of the $200,000+ already raised via Kickstarter.
After lots of tweets and emails from Diaspora users, PayPal has unfrozen the account, reports Launch.is.
Ilya Zhitomirskiy was died 8 years ago in USA.
CNN Money, Nov 14, 2011 declared:
Zhitomirskiy committed suicide, a source close to the company told CNNMoney on Sunday.
A San Francisco Police Department officer confirmed on Monday that a police report about Zhitomirskiy's death says officers responded to the 700 block of Treat Avenue around 8:10 p.m. on Saturday. The department had received phone calls about a possible suicide.
George W. Hunt wrote On January 25, 2012:
The facts of his alleged “suicide” are being suppressed for some reason. It has been 48 days since his death. The San Francisco Coroner’s Office announced on November 12, 2011, that the autopsy results would be ready in about 21 days (“three weeks”). I called the San Francisco Coroner on January 22, 2012 for the autopsy results and the examiner’s assistant replied that no report has yet been released. Today is the 48th day since his death and I feel that something may be very wrong within the Coroner’s jurisdiction. I feel that someone is retarding the autopsy report as a regular autopsy would never take so long to complete.
Wikipedia, March, 2012:
An autopsy report from the San Francisco Coroner's Office is still pending.
George W. Hunt wrote On May 27, 2012:When Ilya was killed on November 12, 2011, I reviewed about 45 sites and noticed that the news about his death only mentioned the word “suicide” as his cause of death. I didn’t see a mention of “possibly murdered” anywhere in the news blasts except from a police statement that said the Coroner would decide if he died from suicide or murder. As far as I know I became the first and only person who has publicly conjectured that Ilya may actually have been killed. When a 22-year-old young man is deluged by a flood of donations and praise for his new site it is very difficult to think he took his own life. He actually died from lack of oxygen (suffocation) which indicates that he was smothered to death. No plastic bags, no suicide note and no reason for a suicide points to murder
Five months after death the Coroner reported that Ilya had died from lack of oxygen, i.e., “suffocation”. I had called the Coroner’s office every three weeks for the death report. The usual time lapse for an autopsy report is about three or four weeks. My next move is to alert the FBI and police to learn why the report was delayed and who was responsible for the delay and then go from there.
George W. Hunt wrote On May 27, 2012Actually, Ilya did not write a suicide note: Ilya was killed by suffocation (lack of oxygen) according to the San Francisco Coroner. He did NOT commit suicide; he was smothered to death. Murdered by “unknown parties” as the S.F. may now finally say.
A solution to their problem (if these people were actually involved: I’m only surmising) was to make a generous offer first and , if declined, kill Ilya Zhitomirsky. A massive media cover-up was pre-arranged with little or no mention of murder. The press did a good job. No mention of “possible murder” with the exception of the police who said the Coroner would determine if it was a murder or a suicide. Out of 45 press releases I reviewed, no mention of a “possible murder” was posed. Hmm.
A skim-reader might read the words “suicide note” in the headlines and leave an impression that if Ilya left a suicide note he therefore committed suicide. The journalist who wrote the story certainly knew that there was no suicide note, yet he implied that there was a suicide note in the headline he chose. How strange. Do journalists get paid on the side for planting such disinformation? There was NO suicide note– but it did say“suicide note” in the headlines, didn’t it? Hmm.
If one takes the time to read the full article the only reference to a suicide note was this silly reference to another person and contriving an opportunity to bring “suicide note” into the headline. Now we can see where the clever journalist created an opportunity to lead the readers astray.
Inna Zhitomirskaya, mother of Ilya:
I strongly believe that if Ilya did not start this [Diaspora] project and stayed in school, he would be well and alive today.
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