Giuseppe Belluzzo (Legnago, 25 November 1876 - Rome, 21 May 1952) was an Italian engineer, politician and academic, who held the role of Minister of National Economy between 1925 and 1928 and of Minister of National Education between 1928 and 1929 in the Mussolini government.
He was an expert in the field of steam turbine design, for which he wrote at least fifty publications, many of which are still highly authoritative. The most celebrated of these writings is undoubtedly Le turbine a vapore, which soon became a highly appreciated teaching tool at the prestigious Milan Polytechnic, after being published in 1905 by the Hoepli publishing house.

Freemason, a member of the Grand Orient of Italy, and one of the founders of the Rotary Club of Milan, in 1934 he was appointed Senator of the Kingdom of Italy. In 1944, following the liberation of Milan, Belluzzo was arrested by the National Liberation Committee, later he became a collaborator for numerous magazines for which he published several articles of an economic nature.
On March 24, 1950, the newspaper Il Giornale d'Italia published an article entitled "I dischi volanti furono ideati nel 1942 in Italia e in Germania", in which Belluzzo claimed to have personally participated in the development of the flying disc, beginning in 1942.
The magazine "Der Spiegel" in the issue of March 30, 1950 reported an interview given by Schriever who stated that, near Prague, in the early 1940s there was a BMW factory that produced some of the aircraft known as "dischi volanti" . In this plant worked scientists such as Klaus Habermohl, the Italian engineer Giuseppe Belluzzo and Walther Miete (who had been part of the V2 project, but who then worked on disc projects) who followed Schriever's studies on a prototype of circular wing.
were conceived in 1942
IN ITALY AND GERMANYMussolini and Hitler took an interest in it - today some great power is using the weapon for research purposes
Today the world is shocked by the news of the existence of the so-called flying discs, which, according to some opinions, struck the imagination of those who, not knowing about the progress and new possibilities of this technology, questioned the possible existence of these new weapons of destruction
The real truth is that these instruments of destruction can be built and made to function, and that already in 1942 some prototypes had been studied and designed in Germany and Italy in order to provide the homeland with a formidable tool for victory in war. Victory that would have been achieved if the morality and competence of some men who are popular today had been different.
But let's go back, it is appropriate to write it, as a bomb, since the new war instruments could then carry, without danger for drivers who were not necessary, loads of explosives of all kinds and weights, and today atomic bombs capable of destroying entire cities, even with ten kilometers in diameter.

The principle of the flying disc is simple, and it is very easy to build with very light metals. The attached figure clearly illustrates the plan layout. On the surface of the metal disk Z, which can have up to ten meters in diameter (the thirty meters mentioned in some newspapers is the result of agitated imagination), two ducts A and B are shown on the periphery, and symmetrically with respect to the axis of the disk, each occupying an arc of 180 ° above or below the disc itself. Two channels A and B, I repeat, symmetrically located relative to the axis of the disk, have a cross-section varying from minimum to maximum; a and b respectively denote the inlet sections through which outside air enters in a minute at a speed of about 400 meters per second, such is the peripheral speed of rotation of the disk during operation.
Due to the gradual increase in section of ducts A and B, the speed of the air gradually transforms into pressure until it reaches its maximum value in the maximum section of the ducts, respectively in 1 and 2.
As a result of this transformation of the velocity into pressure in ground operation, a pressure of 2, 4 kilograms per square centimeter is reached, and at height of five thousand meters a pressure of 1.5 kilograms.
In the maximum section of channels A and B, that is, in parts 1 and 2 of the figure, pulverized naphtha is injected and ignited. Naphtha is injected in such a quantity as to give the air a temperature sufficient to realize in a minute a speed of about 700 meters per second at the exit from channels A and B, a speed that, as a result of the reaction, causes the periphery to rotate at a very high speed, about 400 meters per second. the flying disc at the same time, due to the studied slope of the outlets c and d of channels A and B, generates an upward thrust in such a way that it provokes an upward movement of the rotating disc, which, thus, moves along a cylindrical spiral, moving in space with high speed.
The injection of the naphtha in the maximum section of the ducts A and B takes place due to the centrifugal force to which the fuel is subjected, due to the rotation of the disc, in the annular duct connected to the same disc that contains it. This annular duct in the attached figure is indicated with M and with e and f the injectors which communicate with the fuel tank are schematically indicated.
The flying disc starts from the ground with the rapid ignition and combustion of a cartridge similar, except for the larger dimensions, to the one that causes the torpedoes to start in the marina, cartridge placed in the exhaust sections of the two pipes A and B. The combustion of the cartridge causes the initial rotational motion and raising of the flying disc and the start of operation of the A and B ducts.
Flying discs must carry fuel and batteries outside the channels that cause their movement in order to ignite the naphtha in the maximum section of the A and B ducts, and, finally, an atomic bomb, which is planned to be detonated when the flying disc, having exhausted its supply of naphtha, very quickly returns to ground by gravity.
Obviously, the naphtha load and the weight of the bomb are in proportion to the surface of the flying disc or the square of its diameter: hence the tendency to bring the value of this diameter to the maximum possible compatibly with the construction requirements which are practically not few. nor simple also because the problem of minimizing the resistance of the flying disc to rotation and movement is fundamental.
The idea of the flying disc was also born in Italy, at the same time as Germany, and the two heads of the government of the time were interested in it, when in Italy the studies on internal combustion turbines and the turbo reactor for aircraft were completed; therefore nothing supernatural or Martian, but simply a rational use of the most advanced and recent technique.
Indeed, reflecting on what has happened in the past, the idea crossed my mind that some great power is for now addressing, for study purposes, flying discs without explosives or atomic bombs.
The people who today are at the head of nations, faced with the new tragic prospects of modern war, should they try to understand each other in every possible way, so as not to plunge their peoples into the greatest misfortunes, remembering that today distances are no longer an effective defense, how in the past, is it?
Engineer Giuseppe Belluzzo
aircraft #
conspiracy #
disco #
flying #
freemason #
germany #
hoax #
italia #
metaprogramming #
past #
press #
revision #
saucers #
technology #
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