The Hartford Convention was a series of meetings from December 15, 1814 to January 5, 1815, in Hartford, Connecticut, United States, in which the New England Federalist Party met to discuss their grievances concerning the ongoing War of 1812 and the political problems arising from the federal government's increasing power.
In all, twenty-six delegates attended the secret meetings. No records of the proceedings were kept, and meetings continued through January 5, 1815. After choosing George Cabot as president and Theodore Dwight as secretary, the convention remained in closed session for three weeks. Cabot's journal of its proceedings, when it was eventually opened, was a meager sketch of formal proceedings; he made no record of yeas and nays, stated none of the amendments offered to the various reports, and neglected to attach the names of authors to proposals. It is impossible to ascertain the speeches or votes of individual delegates. specific and reliable information about this Hartford Convention has survived, while the following caricature has survived:

Also, in the Library of Congress in the section of law, in the "Military Legal Resources of the United States" in
the collection of the German lawyer Francis Lieber, there is a book about this convention: graph of the even distribution of
references to the "Hartford Convention" in the English-language literature roughly coincides with the adoption of the convention:

Also, an event called the "Treaty of Hartford" is recorded in the history of the United States:
The Treaty of Hartford is a treaty concluded between New Netherland and Connecticut on September 19, 1650 in Hartford, Connecticut.
In 1650, Dutch Director-General of New Netherland Petrus Stuyvesant went to Hartford to negotiate a border with the governor of English Connecticut colony Edward Hopkins. The Dutch colony of New Netherland was feeling increased pressure from the rising number of English colonists at its borders. the same time, the graph of the even distribution of
references to "Treaty of Hartford" in the English-language literature roughly coincides with the references to "Hartford Convention". There is only one peak before that, but besides it, among the data scanned by Google corporation, in the English-language literature, the "Treaty of Hartford" began to be regularly mentioned exactly at the same time when the first mentions of the "Hartford Convention" began:

Perhaps the Treaty of Hartford is a historical duplicate of the Hartford Convention. In this case, the specific shift in the dating of these two events is interesting:
1815-1650=165 years.
Independent researcher Andrei Stepanenko, having
collected a large database, consisting of an array of more than 170 thousand dated historical evidence, when analyzing it, found that among the known events there are often fixed
chronological shifts:
Shift is the number of years dividing two identical or closely related events. They suppose such shifts evidence manipulations when the whole data files were copied with some changes, and duplicates were shifted to earlier times in the past. My collection of such shifts contains about 700 pairs, and trial sampling with the machine method use has resulted in 40 thousand pairs.
Despite date fluctuations of about 3 years, accuracy of "coincidence" is improbable: the deviation for the interval of 1168 is 0.0026 % - it practically means nothing. Literalness of those repetitions discourages: if the young tsar was under supervision of the uncle, it is noted in both chronologies that the tsar was 16 years old (though it is not necessary information) and if the tsar married it is always mentioned in both cases, whose daughter his bride was.
Despite the fact that the lands of New England are considered predominantly Protestant, the influence of the Catholic Jesuits on them was very significant throughout the known history of European colonization of North America,
including in Connecticut itself, as stated in the book "
The Jesuit Heritage in New England". It is noteworthy that Andrei Stepanenko
discovered a shift similar to the Hartford shift, often associated with the history of the Jesuits and church persecutions:
1769-1773 Pope Clement XIII and
Pope Clement XIV abolish the Jesuit order1606-1607 Expulsion of the Jesuits from Venice by Clement IX1768 Expulsion of the Jesuits from Parma1601-1602 Expulsion of the Jesuits from England1705-1709 Defeat of the Jansenists, opponents of the Jesuit doctrine1542 Pope Pope Paul III established the Inquisition, after the approval of the statute of the Jesuit Order1666-1667 In Moscow, the Synod denounced the heresy of Arianism1503-1504 In Moscow, the Synod condemned the heresy of the JudaizersIn addition, Andrei Stepanenko
discovered a doubled this shift, as well as
halved (~ 82-83 years), such as the
dates of the beginning of the Republican calendar in France (in 1789) and an attempt to reintroduce it during the Paris Commune (in 1871).
According to such models, many events in conventional history are duplicated, and perhaps the "Hartford Convention" and "Hartford Agreement" are another example of such historical duplicates.
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