In recent decades, support for Tibetan separatism has become popular, most often expressed by the slogan "Free Tibet", which implies that Tibet is now not free and is under Chinese occupation. As a rule, such ideas are formed by Western mass culture, which idealized the image of Tibetan monks. Earlier, for more than a century, Tibet was a Chinese vassal, enjoying Chinese protection from
repeated attacks from Nepal. At the same time, in the foreseeable history,
Tibet was an independent state from China for only about 40 years, after the collapse of the Qing empire. This short period of independence, which supporters of the
London-based "Free Tibet" organization seem to want to restore, was characterized by patriarchal theocratic absolutism, in which lamas were concentrated in the hands of absolute power, and secular state power was completely absent.

During this period of independence, Tibet limited relations with the outside world, with the exception of Great Britain and Nazi Germany. For example, there is a German documentary "
Geheimnis Tibet" about a Nazi expedition led by SS Sturmbannfuehrer
Ernst Schäfer, during the filming of which the Germans were warmly received by the lamas to conduct their race research. are many documented testimonies of the customs of independent Tibet under the absolute rule of the lamas. For example, it is widely known that the Dalai Lama imposed a tax on everything,
even on the ears, that is, those who wanted his ears to stay had to pay, otherwise the lamas would cut them off.
The Western special press also reported on the imposition of a tax by the Dalai Lama Thuptan Gyatso, the amount of which depended on the size of the nose, and people with long noses were obliged to pay two to three times more than snub-nosed ones. Some photographic evidence of the morals prevailing in Lamaist Tibet, provided by the
Chinese news agency Xinhua:
Top row left to right: Crafts Tibetan lamas of the skulls of executed slaves; Idols of severed hands (they should wear at the waist); Slave drags on the back of another slave, who cut off his feet for disobedience owner. Bottom row left to right: Slave and the dog, one litter for two; Slave block; Lady servant with a severed footMore examples on the link: modern widespread Western views, as well as in the framework of the New Age doctrine, Tibetan monks are special highly spiritual people, as a rule, opposed to primitive Christian clerics prone to necro-fetishism (worship of relics) and secret adultery. Followers of Tibetan Buddhism and New Age ideology try not to mention this, but Tibetan lamas, perhaps, are superior in these directions to their Christian colleagues:
The instrument of Tibetan monks "Kangling"
Tibetan carved skull
Ritual skulls and Kangling
Legs, arms, eyes from serfs because of the punishment
Meditation of young lamaAnd this Hong Kong website contains some details about the secret sex life of lamas hidden in the Western media space: is also noteworthy that even after the collapse of Nazi Germany, the former head of the Tibetan government in exile, Lhamo Dhondrub, known as the 14th Dalai Lama, maintained close and friendly ties with supporters and ideologues of Nazism:
Dalai Lama and German racologist, employee of the Ahnenerbe, SS Hauptsturmführer, Bruno Beger
Dalai Lama and SS Oberscharfuehrer Heinrich Harrer
The Dalai Lama and the leader of the Austrian ultra-right nationalists Jörg Haider
Dalai Lama and Shoka Asahara, leader of the Aum Shinrikyo sect, which shared many of the tenets of neo-nazism
Dalai Lama and Miguel Serrano, founder of Esoteric HitlerismAccording to documents declassified under
FOIA law, the
CIA financially supported Tibetan separatism and personally the Dalai Lama.

One gets the impression that the enterprising Lhamo Dhondrub profitably invested the
money he received from the CIA in promotion, for example, in the production of abundant Hollywood products idealizing the image of Tibetan clerics (
Heart of Tibet,
Seven Years in Tibet,
Tibet: Weeping Snow Lion, etc) - but this is just an assumption.
At the same time, the intensive promotion and development of Tibetan Lamaism continues to this day. For example, in Western conditions in modern realities, it is difficult to promote a strict patriarchal ideology, because in Tibet there have never been Buddhist nuns, women lamas. In this regard, in recent decades, under the auspices of the Italian Commander of Tibetan origin,
Namkhai Norbu, a special
Chod school was developed, involving the
practice of nuns, mixing Buddhism with Bon:

This is being promoted by the new
Dzogchen teaching, which offers an attractive neo-Buddhist spiritual practice in the West called
Ganapuja, that is, the collective consumption of alcohol and meat (with the lament that it is for the benefit of all sentient beings).
Of course, it was stated that this phenomenon is almost 1000 years old, but the
graph of the mention in English of one of the key words used to describe "
Yungdrung - Tibet’s oldest spiritual tradition" clearly shows that the steady growth of references to this key term began only about 50 years ago, just during the development of a new version of the feminized practice of Tibetan Buddhism:

At the same time, only about a hundred years ago,
single earlier mentions of this word defined it as simply "a symbol of the swastika, a flying cross," and not some kind of spiritual tradition that allows women to practice:

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lamaism #
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