Imperial magazine "
Razvedchik №168", 127 years ago:
The people of India speak 97 languages and 243 dialects from five different groups. In tribes there are almost all races of the human race. Its original inhabitants belong to a negroid related race, the remnants of which are still found in the Deccan. The majority of the population, as Hindus, Afghans, Tajiks and Beluchs, belong to the Indo-European race. In addition, India is home to almost wild Dravidians, Sinhalese, Malaysians and others; each of them is divided into numerous tribes. According to religion 188000000 of the native population belong to the Brahmins, 50000000 Mohammedan, 8000000 Buddhists, 1.8 million Christians, etc. Aboriginals are mainly divided into castes, the number of which reaches 140000, with 209 of them having more than 100000 people. Due to this diversity in the composition of the population, there is no unanimity among them.
It turns out that there were castes in India more than 140.000. 209 castes had over 100,000 people.
It is also interesting that 127 years ago there were only 8 million Buddhists in India. Probably
Galkovsky was right about Buddhism was invented less than 200 years ago.
chispa1707 несколько раз писал про мутняк с индийскими кастами, что там не как уверяют традУРОДы 4 касты на всех, а тысячи каст и означают просто некие кланы и т.д.
А вот и реальная доказуха из 1893 года , оказывается реально каст в Индии аж около 140.000 !!! 209 каст имеют более 100.000 человек.
Интересно также, что 127 лет назад в Индии насчитывалось всего 8 миллионов буддистов. Вероятно,
Галковский был прав в том, что буддизм был разрабатан менее 200 лет назад.
asia #
buddhism #
caste #
demography #
diversity #
india #
past #
revision #