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Владимира Ивановича Трунина с победой Советского Союза над фашистской Европой
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xl_mkckYmBcSoviet veteran
Vladimir Ivanovich Trunin congratulates on the Soviet victory over fascist Europe
I congratulate you all on the victory day of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, against fascist Europe. Not against Germany, but against all of fascist Europe. They all fought. On June 21, 1941 they all attacked us. I will try to list those who attacked that morning: Germany, Finland, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Hungary, France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway. They all attacked us at once. So when you see my Medal for Victory over Germany, it is the echoes of political storms. In fact, they all attacked us at once. And why so, only Germany is mentioned? Because Stalin and communists thought that, as we were instilled in 20's, "the revolutionary working class of Europe will never let the imperialists to attack the Soviet Union". Oh, yes, they did. And how they fought hard - German workers, Polish, Romanian, all of them fought against us. So here we have to make a correction to history.
My surname is Trunin, my name is Vladimir Ivanovich. My main profession at the front is that of a tank man. I was at war as a part of 260th tank regiment of breakthrough KV, heavy Soviet tanks, the best tanks which were in war. They're better than tigers and panthers, better... You have to fight and look at both of them, then you can tell.
Well, there you go. We were attacked all at once by Europe. The Soviet Union had a population of 180 million. Europe had 400 million, two and a half times as many. They all attacked at once, so it was difficult for us at first.
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