chymische hochzeitBefore winning their wars, Greeks used to win Olympics beforehand. From the time of Leni Riefenstahl’s “Olympia”, olympic records have become inhumane. After the World War II, the Olympic game has mutated from sport to biochemicals. trainer of an olympic champion female has opened to me the secret of russian victories: “my protegee was one of many; first came doctors with their drugs, and then popes with their saint water and murmurings”.

The olympics and wars of today have biochemical and occult.
The first anonymous manifest of Rosenkreutzers was published supposedly in 2780 (using Gregorian calendar – 1614 from the Birth of Christ, 400 years ago) in Kassel, and was named “The Fame of the Brotherhood”.
“This day, this day, this, this
The Royal Wedding is.
Art thou thereto by birth inclined,
And unto joy of God designed?
Then mayest thou to the mountain tend,
Whereon three stately Temples stand,
And there see all from end to end.
Keep watch, and ward,
Thy self regard;
Unless with diligence thou bathe,
The Wedding can’t thee harmless save;
He will damage that here delays;
Let him beware too light that weighs.”

The inscription on the banner: "Union of Patriarch Cyril and President Putin will save Russia" January 27, in Moscow, opened XXII Christmas Educational Readings. A part of them took place at the Physical division of MSU, where they were talking, for example, about “heavenly parallels in aeronautics”. Tula region it has flashed out from a spark under blacksmith’s hummer’s beats on anvil. Tula’s blacksmiths hewed out the fire, from which the first Torch has been blown up. The relay’s route has been laid down from the Victory square to Lenin square, along the main street of Tula – Lenin prospect.
ODD# V(d)/1,ii;2Dsc3180
ritual #
hoax #
erisian #
memory #
rosicrucian #
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