Around the masonry of the past goes a lot of rumors. Translation into English of the article by an independent researcher:
Casting stone blocks and sculptures in antiquity. Part 11Previous partStone pipes in Patara

Patara is an ancient Lycian city. Located in Turkey. The easiest way to make such elements is casting. It is much harder to cut such a hole inside the block. Connected on the system "thorn groove". I wonder how they sealed it, because visible deflection of this pipeline, in the lower part of which pressure was to be created. A kind of aqueduct.
Cast granite pillars on the embankment in St. Petersburg

A part of the granite pillar split off. Inside it turned out that the metal part was bent inward. How could it be inserted into the hole of this pillar? The obvious answer: cast. It turns out that this is a cast with imitation of natural granite?

Another element in this place. Circled the edge on the element, which usually remains after the separation of the two halves of the form.
Reader of group in VK:
I am builder. And my opinion is that the examples below are geopolymer castings. Many people pay attention to the quality, and I paid attention to the defects that are characteristic of concrete casting. Especially indicative of the trail of concreted in the formwork. Screenshots are made from the film “Detailed study of the pyramid of Cheops”:
My comment: the blocks themselves have faces with a non-flat surface. If they were sawed, then saw was walking. And if cast, then in low-quality formwork of krivonapilennoy boards. For the inner blocks of the pyramid, the exact geometry was apparently not needed.

Here you will not say that these angles broke off, because such a corner is in all the blocks in the photo.

The ancient city of Koba in Mexico. In one of the rooms, the author took a picture of the armature protruding through the falling off parts of the block:

The armature is already all corroded with rust. The stone is always present the process of oxidation of the metal, because he has the ability to pass air and moisture. But this process lasts for decades, if not centuries. In this, most likely it is an ancient casting. But what about the fact that it is iron or an alloy based on it? It is necessary to do chemical analyzes.
Original photographs separately:!ArkrMz8hb22_hdxuszSCPkvDd8HovQ!ArkrMz8hb22_hdxw0s4cao4ZmPh20A!ArkrMz8hb22_hdxtfwDtg4G3xkqj3Q!ArkrMz8hb22_hdxv_X9MLW7qCG1oaw
And another examples:

What is this place - could not find information. In comments in Zen wrote that it is Pompeii. Pay attention - hollow columns. Those. they are made by casting.

Dolmen Maison des Feins in France.
If we study all the previous examples that I cited earlier here (and preferably at once), then this whole set leaves no doubt that the ancients had the technology of casting or molding their products, buildings of masses, repeating natural stone rocks. Or they used natural masses that were not yet solidified at that time for their own purposes.
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