To the attention of tourists! Starting this year, for citizens of the Russian Federation who in the column "Birthplace" in the passport are indicated: Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Tatarstan, introduced a special procedure for entering the city of Fuyuan. In this regard, the entry of such citizens as part of a tourist group in the city of Fuyuan is not possible.
Они боятся терроризма. Думаю, по религиозным принципам они очень боятся мусульманского терроризма. Поэтому всё на «-стан» на всякий случай не пускают», — рассказал туроператор. При этом Башкортостан в списках не значится, как и остальные республики северного Кавказа. are afraid of terrorism. I think according to religious principles, they are very afraid of Muslim terrorism. "Therefore, everything is contain “-stan” just in case do not allow," said the tour operator. At the same time, Bashkortostan is not on the lists, like the rest of the republics of the North Caucasus.
This announcement reminded me of
the famous scene from the movie “Fist of Fury”. Bruce Lee would not approve this.

Это объявление напомнило мне
известную сцену из фильма "Кулак ярости". Брюс Ли такое бы не одобрил.
asia #
azerbaijan #
brucelee #
china #
dagestan #
fuyuan #
kazakhstan #
kyrgyzstan #
memory #
metaprogramming #
property #
racism #
tajikistan #
tatarstan #
stan #