The first fruits of Greta:
Anatoly Chubais is a regular participant of Bilderberg meetings.
Анатолий Чубайс - регулярный участник Бильдербергских собраний.
Western "green" politics is ordinary crypto-colonialism. How it was about the Kyoto Protocol, how it is about Fridays4future.
#capitalism #chubais #climatecrisis #climatechange #climatestrike #CO2 #cryptocolonialism #europe #fridaysforfuture #ecology #environment #greta #gretathunberg #hoax #infosec #metaprogramming #nyen #renewables #revision #popularresistance #russianfed #spb
S.-PETERSBURG, June 13 - RIA Novosti. In Russia, you need to introduce a carbon tax to stimulate industrialists to reduce emissions, said Anatoly Chubais, chairman of the management board of Rosnano, in an interview with the SPIEF, told RIA Novosti.
С.-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, 13 июн — РИА Новости. В России нужно ввести углеродный налог, чтобы стимулировать промышленников снижать выбросы, заявил в интервью РИА Новости председатель правления УК "Роснано" Анатолий Чубайс в кулуарах ПМЭФ.
Anatoly Chubais is a regular participant of Bilderberg meetings.
Анатолий Чубайс - регулярный участник Бильдербергских собраний.
Western "green" politics is ordinary crypto-colonialism. How it was about the Kyoto Protocol, how it is about Fridays4future.
#capitalism #chubais #climatecrisis #climatechange #climatestrike #CO2 #cryptocolonialism #europe #fridaysforfuture #ecology #environment #greta #gretathunberg #hoax #infosec #metaprogramming #nyen #renewables #revision #popularresistance #russianfed #spb
show all 65 comments
You think, you oppose the west, but you oppose the people. All people. And you fight for the billionaire class. As a useful idiot.
@Hartmut Noack
Well, i understand you. Residents of third world countries (your crypto-colonies) you do not consider as people.
For some reason, these billionaires promote and finance the climate change agenda very actively. I do not understand how i can fight for them by exposing this funding:
By the way, are you still hiding the name of the organization on whose behalf you were making money by selling free software in West Africa this year?
You think, you oppose the west, but you oppose the people. All people.
Well, i understand you. Residents of third world countries (your crypto-colonies) you do not consider as people.
And you fight for the billionaire class. As a useful idiot.
For some reason, these billionaires promote and finance the climate change agenda very actively. I do not understand how i can fight for them by exposing this funding:
By the way, are you still hiding the name of the organization on whose behalf you were making money by selling free software in West Africa this year?
You fight against your people too, and against yourself, your neighbors. You fight against everybody but the billionaires, that happen to make more billions by burning fossil fuels. So in fact you fight for the most reactionary and damaging faction of the billionaire class.
Russia exports only oil, gas, war and corruption
You can rely only on war and corruption, so Russia have to sell petrol, a lot of
That's why Russia is not an Iran and venezuela ally: stressing the oil market is interesting for Russia, faking friendship to control other oil-producer is useful
Oil is a drug, like drugs it's chemical and blow your mind, @ivan zlax. Consider it and grow a national economy better than racket other lands like a junky
You can rely only on war and corruption, so Russia have to sell petrol, a lot of
That's why Russia is not an Iran and venezuela ally: stressing the oil market is interesting for Russia, faking friendship to control other oil-producer is useful
Oil is a drug, like drugs it's chemical and blow your mind, @ivan zlax. Consider it and grow a national economy better than racket other lands like a junky
@Hartmut Noack
In Western Europe, after the Kyoto Protocol, life has become much nicer and better. Harmful production after that moved to the south and east. For example, in the place of my birth, in Yasnaya Polyana, a farmaldehyde factory was opened, because the Europeans wanted to reduce harmful emissions ... in their countries. But did not want to reduce the consumption of high technology.
Now you want to abandon coal mining on your land ... well, of course, you are sure that your colonies will supply you with gas instead. Why mine coal at home when fossil fuels come better through pipes from somewhere in the east. Your logic and motives are clear and understandable. But it seems not for you. The better and more environmentally friendly it becomes in your privileged Western countries - the worse and more harmful it becomes to live in your colonies. Unfortunately, most of this planet is your colony.
And what options do you have besides fossil fuels? Child labor in the mines of Africa to get rare earth elements for your colonial "renewable" energy sources - in my opinion, it is worse than fossil fuels.
You strongly ignore my question about your free software sales in West Africa. At the same time, you continue to promote your Western propaganda. Obviously, it is vital for you to promote this propaganda, and from the information emanating from me you feel a direct threat to the privileges and corruption schemes in which you participate.
You fight against your people too, and against yourself, your neighbors.
In Western Europe, after the Kyoto Protocol, life has become much nicer and better. Harmful production after that moved to the south and east. For example, in the place of my birth, in Yasnaya Polyana, a farmaldehyde factory was opened, because the Europeans wanted to reduce harmful emissions ... in their countries. But did not want to reduce the consumption of high technology.
Now you want to abandon coal mining on your land ... well, of course, you are sure that your colonies will supply you with gas instead. Why mine coal at home when fossil fuels come better through pipes from somewhere in the east. Your logic and motives are clear and understandable. But it seems not for you. The better and more environmentally friendly it becomes in your privileged Western countries - the worse and more harmful it becomes to live in your colonies. Unfortunately, most of this planet is your colony.
You fight against everybody but the billionaires, that happen to make more billions by burning fossil fuels. So in fact you fight for the most reactionary and damaging faction of the billionaire class.
And what options do you have besides fossil fuels? Child labor in the mines of Africa to get rare earth elements for your colonial "renewable" energy sources - in my opinion, it is worse than fossil fuels.
You strongly ignore my question about your free software sales in West Africa. At the same time, you continue to promote your Western propaganda. Obviously, it is vital for you to promote this propaganda, and from the information emanating from me you feel a direct threat to the privileges and corruption schemes in which you participate.
As well as wood, aluminum, chemicals, diamonds, soviet technologies, cheap labor and much more. At the same time, local people working in all these mines and industries receive an average of $ 100-400. The main income from export sales remains with the oligarchs, who keep their capital in Cyprus, the United States, offshore Islands and divide it in London.
Demand creates supply.
I know it, i wrote about this 10 years ago:
I don't need this, i'm an anti-nationalist. I also don't need the advice of the nationalists. Those who are concerned about the national economy - for me is a nationalist agent by default. Keep your advice with you, concerned about the national economy.
Russia exports only oil, gas, war and corruption
As well as wood, aluminum, chemicals, diamonds, soviet technologies, cheap labor and much more. At the same time, local people working in all these mines and industries receive an average of $ 100-400. The main income from export sales remains with the oligarchs, who keep their capital in Cyprus, the United States, offshore Islands and divide it in London.
You can rely only on war and corruption, so Russia have to sell petrol, a lot of
Demand creates supply.
Oil is a drug, like drugs it's chemical and blow your mind, @ivan zlax.
I know it, i wrote about this 10 years ago:
Нефть (греч. ναφθα, или через тур. neft, от персидск. нефт) - горючая маслянистая жидкость, являющаяся смесью углеводородов. Она представляет собой жидкую (в своей основе) гидрофобную фазу продуктов захоронения органического вещества в водно-осадочных отложениях. Нефтеобразование - стадийный, весьма длительный (обычно много млн. лет) процесс, начинающийся ещё в живом веществе. Считается, что основным исходным веществом нефти обычно является планктон (то есть буквально - наши прото-эволюционные предки).
Нефть занимает ведущее место в мировом топливно-энергетическом балансе: доля ее в общем потреблении энергоресурсов составляет 48 %.
С быстрым развитием в мире химической и нефтехимической промышленности потребность в нефти увеличивается не только с целью повышения выработки топлив и масел, но и как источника ценного сырья для производства синтетических каучуков и волокон, пластмасс, ПАВ, моющих средств, пластификаторов, присадок, красителей и др. (около 8% от объема мировой добычи).
Еще Д. И. Менделеев впервые обратил внимание на то, что нефть является важнейшим источником химического сырья, а не только топливом; он посвятил ряд работ происхождению и рациональной переработке нефти. Ему принадлежит известное высказывание: «Нефть - не топливо, топить можно и ассигнациями» (полагая, что целлюлоза ассигнаций - возобновляемый и менее ценный источник сырья, чем нефть).
До настоящего времени нефть и другие углеводороды расходуются главным образом в качестве топлива (двигатели внутреннего сгорания, тепловые электростанции, котельные) и лишь незначительная часть используется как сырье в химической промышленности.
Между тем, одно из перспективных направлений в нефтехимии - это биохимическая переработка нефтяных углеводородов для получения белковых веществ. Причем перспективы здесь не только в использовании нефти, как сырья для пищи, но и, что более важно, сырья для синтетических белков и других сложных органических соединений.
Выходит, что нефть, действительно, самое ценное вещество на планете, так как может служить универсальным сырьем для искусственного синтеза почти любой органики (от простого до сложного; в перспективе, вплоть до живых тканей и искусственной жизни - для этого вполне хватит незамысловатых манипуляций в нано-масштабах).
...Но несмотря на все это, человечество продолжает, как и 1000 лет назад, просто сжигать этот ценнейший источник органического сырья. Для получения энергии и банального обогрева (и это в то время, когда солнце, еле сдерживаемое атмосферой, постоянно атакует планету своей неизмеримой силой, да и сама планета, стоит только немного капнуть, является жаркой и раскаленной). Причем сжигают значительную часть нефти не транснациональные корпорации и ненасытные государства...а простые автолюбители. Фактически, мы с вами. Простые ребята, что ежедневно, заливают в бачок своего личного железного коня новую порцию "горючки", чтобы с комфортом и почетом поездить в разные стороны, попыхтеть, подавить свою педальку...
#oil #nature #humanism
original post@lj
Нефть занимает ведущее место в мировом топливно-энергетическом балансе: доля ее в общем потреблении энергоресурсов составляет 48 %.
С быстрым развитием в мире химической и нефтехимической промышленности потребность в нефти увеличивается не только с целью повышения выработки топлив и масел, но и как источника ценного сырья для производства синтетических каучуков и волокон, пластмасс, ПАВ, моющих средств, пластификаторов, присадок, красителей и др. (около 8% от объема мировой добычи).
Еще Д. И. Менделеев впервые обратил внимание на то, что нефть является важнейшим источником химического сырья, а не только топливом; он посвятил ряд работ происхождению и рациональной переработке нефти. Ему принадлежит известное высказывание: «Нефть - не топливо, топить можно и ассигнациями» (полагая, что целлюлоза ассигнаций - возобновляемый и менее ценный источник сырья, чем нефть).
До настоящего времени нефть и другие углеводороды расходуются главным образом в качестве топлива (двигатели внутреннего сгорания, тепловые электростанции, котельные) и лишь незначительная часть используется как сырье в химической промышленности.
Между тем, одно из перспективных направлений в нефтехимии - это биохимическая переработка нефтяных углеводородов для получения белковых веществ. Причем перспективы здесь не только в использовании нефти, как сырья для пищи, но и, что более важно, сырья для синтетических белков и других сложных органических соединений.
Выходит, что нефть, действительно, самое ценное вещество на планете, так как может служить универсальным сырьем для искусственного синтеза почти любой органики (от простого до сложного; в перспективе, вплоть до живых тканей и искусственной жизни - для этого вполне хватит незамысловатых манипуляций в нано-масштабах).
...Но несмотря на все это, человечество продолжает, как и 1000 лет назад, просто сжигать этот ценнейший источник органического сырья. Для получения энергии и банального обогрева (и это в то время, когда солнце, еле сдерживаемое атмосферой, постоянно атакует планету своей неизмеримой силой, да и сама планета, стоит только немного капнуть, является жаркой и раскаленной). Причем сжигают значительную часть нефти не транснациональные корпорации и ненасытные государства...а простые автолюбители. Фактически, мы с вами. Простые ребята, что ежедневно, заливают в бачок своего личного железного коня новую порцию "горючки", чтобы с комфортом и почетом поездить в разные стороны, попыхтеть, подавить свою педальку...
#oil #nature #humanism
original post@lj
Consider it and grow a national economy better than racket other lands like a junky
I don't need this, i'm an anti-nationalist. I also don't need the advice of the nationalists. Those who are concerned about the national economy - for me is a nationalist agent by default. Keep your advice with you, concerned about the national economy.
The first and best option to reduce fossil fuels is, to reduce consumption, stop flying to some subtropical islan over the weekend, stop buying tons of cheapo plastic stuff from China, stop eating tons of cheap meat from Argentina each year, dont by a new car, repair the old one. And that is exactly, what Tunberg promotes. Of course it does not compute for capitalism. You fight for capitalism by fightng agains reduction of fossil fuels. Have I mentioned already, that is does not matter, if the capitalist is russian, chinese, german, british or kongolese?
@Hartmut Noack
Are you ready for this? I think you didn’t walk by step to West Africa to sell free software. In European countries, your corruption scheme would not have worked, your successful business would flourish only in distant countries. You demand from others what you yourself do not follow. Here it is the price of your words.
Instead, to buy branded expensive Western plastic, taking into account all patent costs, as i understand your colonial logic.
I would recommend not to eat meat at all. Meat is heavy food, regular consumption of meat affects not only the deposition of fat, but also the hormonal activity of consumers.
No, i do not fight against reduction of fossil fuelsi (i’m not fighting for anything at all, I’m against fighting), i firmly defend my interests (as a slav from the western colony), i stand up against Western hypocrisy and duplicity.
For you, it does not matter, because you are the beneficiary of the capitalist regime, it is unprofitable for you to understand the details of this. It is beneficial for you to simply virtually “fight against capitalism”, as i uderstand you, in your opinion, it will help to hide the source of your income and the features of your work.
The first and best option to reduce fossil fuels is, to reduce consumption, stop flying to some subtropical islan over the weekend,
Are you ready for this? I think you didn’t walk by step to West Africa to sell free software. In European countries, your corruption scheme would not have worked, your successful business would flourish only in distant countries. You demand from others what you yourself do not follow. Here it is the price of your words.
stop buying tons of cheapo plastic stuff from China,
Instead, to buy branded expensive Western plastic, taking into account all patent costs, as i understand your colonial logic.
stop eating tons of cheap meat from Argentina each year,
I would recommend not to eat meat at all. Meat is heavy food, regular consumption of meat affects not only the deposition of fat, but also the hormonal activity of consumers.
You fight for capitalism by fightng agains reduction of fossil fuels.
No, i do not fight against reduction of fossil fuelsi (i’m not fighting for anything at all, I’m against fighting), i firmly defend my interests (as a slav from the western colony), i stand up against Western hypocrisy and duplicity.
Have I mentioned already, that is does not matter, if the capitalist is russian, chinese, german, british or kongolese?
For you, it does not matter, because you are the beneficiary of the capitalist regime, it is unprofitable for you to understand the details of this. It is beneficial for you to simply virtually “fight against capitalism”, as i uderstand you, in your opinion, it will help to hide the source of your income and the features of your work.
It's not about nationalism, it's about autonomy. USSR imported US grains in the end (cause 40% of money was spent in army), now Russia exports it... And import too, cause oligarchs make more money in this way (you make money when you sell grain on market, and make money again whenyou sell imported grain to workers)
With oil-based economy you're never self-sustaining, so you're ruled by market or crooked salesmen
You pretend green economy is a sort of colonial ideology? Only if you don't play this game. If you send back plastics (like Filipino with Canada garbages), there's no more "garbage country exemption card"
It's a weapon against you as long you face the wrong side of the gun, dude. Block the barrel's mouth and nobody will use this gun against you
With oil-based economy you're never self-sustaining, so you're ruled by market or crooked salesmen
You pretend green economy is a sort of colonial ideology? Only if you don't play this game. If you send back plastics (like Filipino with Canada garbages), there's no more "garbage country exemption card"
It's a weapon against you as long you face the wrong side of the gun, dude. Block the barrel's mouth and nobody will use this gun against you
Please do not give up your words. You said:
I don't need this, i'm an anti-nationalist. I also don't need the advice of the nationalists. Those who are concerned about the national economy - for me is a nationalist agent by default. Keep your advice with you, concerned about the national economy.
No. I am not make money and sell anything many years, also i nevel sell grain on market before.
That is why i do not participate in the economy. I do not pay taxes, i do not work for any of them, i do not legitimize them (by participating in elections) - i do not participate in this. By the way, the majority of the population lives in this German crypto colony the same way, i am not special.
I provide documents and information confirming this:
But you are not the one who will want to read this. It is not profitable for you to read all this. It is profitable for you to fight for good. For your good.
I have nothing to send back, i have never traded with the Philippines or Canada. I maintain periodic trade relations with China, mainly to purchase parts for repairs.
As soon as i offer you a specific action in support of your words, you will immediately leave. No one green activist didn’t make any of that introduced actions to confirm the sincerity of his words with a deed - the most enterprising of them simply deleted my messages and banned my channel. I doubt you're special.
It's not about nationalism, it's about autonomy.
Please do not give up your words. You said:
Consider it and grow a national economy better than racket other lands like a junky
I don't need this, i'm an anti-nationalist. I also don't need the advice of the nationalists. Those who are concerned about the national economy - for me is a nationalist agent by default. Keep your advice with you, concerned about the national economy.
(you make money when you sell grain on market, and make money again whenyou sell imported grain to workers)
No. I am not make money and sell anything many years, also i nevel sell grain on market before.
With oil-based economy you're never self-sustaining, so you're ruled by market or crooked salesmen
That is why i do not participate in the economy. I do not pay taxes, i do not work for any of them, i do not legitimize them (by participating in elections) - i do not participate in this. By the way, the majority of the population lives in this German crypto colony the same way, i am not special.
You pretend green economy is a sort of colonial ideology?
I provide documents and information confirming this:
But you are not the one who will want to read this. It is not profitable for you to read all this. It is profitable for you to fight for good. For your good.
Only if you don't play this game. If you send back plastics (like Filipino with Canada garbages), there's no more "garbage country exemption card"
I have nothing to send back, i have never traded with the Philippines or Canada. I maintain periodic trade relations with China, mainly to purchase parts for repairs.
It's a weapon against you as long you face the wrong side of the gun, dude. Block the barrel's mouth and nobody will use this gun against you
As soon as i offer you a specific action in support of your words, you will immediately leave. No one green activist didn’t make any of that introduced actions to confirm the sincerity of his words with a deed - the most enterprising of them simply deleted my messages and banned my channel. I doubt you're special.
Ivan, considering your profile and posts you're probably more "occidental colonialist" than me at home
Fighting don't improve yourself, even if you fight for a good cause. A green economy will down corpocraty faster and deeper than copy-past YT videos about conspiracie theories
Fighting don't improve yourself, even if you fight for a good cause. A green economy will down corpocraty faster and deeper than copy-past YT videos about conspiracie theories
Well said, @WeirdWolf**.
What specific post made you say that? Please indicate specifically if you are not trying to mislead someone.
If you wrote this without reading my posts, just to express disagreement and stay with your privileged point of view - i allow you do not answer to this specific question.
I am a supporter of peace, your logic is alien to me. For me, the fighting for anything doesn't improve yourself.
In addition, the German fascists fought for a good cause - they were sure of it, just like you are sure of the goodness of your virtual fighting.
Ivan, considering your profile and posts you're probably more "occidental colonialist" than me at home
What specific post made you say that? Please indicate specifically if you are not trying to mislead someone.
If you wrote this without reading my posts, just to express disagreement and stay with your privileged point of view - i allow you do not answer to this specific question.
Fighting don't improve yourself, even if you fight for a good cause. A green economy will down corpocraty faster and deeper than copy-past YT videos about conspiracie theories
I am a supporter of peace, your logic is alien to me. For me, the fighting for anything doesn't improve yourself.
In addition, the German fascists fought for a good cause - they were sure of it, just like you are sure of the goodness of your virtual fighting.
You are a deeply distrubed person, @ivan zlax.
And you fight a lot. You fight for Exxon and BP and maybe Gazprom here and you fight for fascist "identity" politics in many of your other posts. In fact 90% of your posts are attacks in a fight.
And you fight a lot. You fight for Exxon and BP and maybe Gazprom here and you fight for fascist "identity" politics in many of your other posts. In fact 90% of your posts are attacks in a fight.
Western “green” politics is ordinary crypto-colonialism. How it was about the Kyoto Protocol, how it is about Fridays4future.
yup. Greta would be nobody without a massive publicity campaign. Someone or something is bankrolling that. Find out who is behind Greta, and you will know who expects to benefit.
A green economy will down corpocraty faster and deeper tha...
Wrong, @WeirdWolf**. A truly green economy is a local economy, and not one controlled by a committee in Brussels or wherever. What Greta is selling you is central planning.
@Hartmut Noack
No. I have no any fights for many years. Moreover i exposed BP "green campaign" 8 years ago:
They used the same tactics for P.R. as you do it now - covering up your greediness with a “green” idea:
Also please pay attention to the last paragraph from my old article about BP:
Before the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, the largest shareholder of bp was JPMorgan Chase, with such prominent executives as David Rockefeller, Tony Blair and Anatoly Chubais.
Not. I try to avoid interacting with this colonial structure.
This is not true. Please give an specific example if you are not lying.
This is your personal projection. I don’t invest in these posts any fightings, i’m interested in hoaxes, propaganda, conspiracies and revelations of it.
I am also ready to answer for every word. Unlike you, who prefer to avoid answers to direct questions.
You are a deeply distrubed person, @ivan zlax.
And you fight a lot. You fight for Exxon and BP
No. I have no any fights for many years. Moreover i exposed BP "green campaign" 8 years ago:
They used the same tactics for P.R. as you do it now - covering up your greediness with a “green” idea:
Also please pay attention to the last paragraph from my old article about BP:
Before the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, the largest shareholder of bp was JPMorgan Chase, with such prominent executives as David Rockefeller, Tony Blair and Anatoly Chubais.
and maybe Gazprom here
Not. I try to avoid interacting with this colonial structure.
and you fight for fascist "identity" politics in many of your other posts.
This is not true. Please give an specific example if you are not lying.
In fact 90% of your posts are attacks in a fight.
This is your personal projection. I don’t invest in these posts any fightings, i’m interested in hoaxes, propaganda, conspiracies and revelations of it.
I am also ready to answer for every word. Unlike you, who prefer to avoid answers to direct questions.
@J R: there's no local economy in a global market ruled by corporations. Buying local vegetables don't work in a global market oil-based economy, sorry. You can't sve yourself if the world around you collapse
Greta was heard cause she has spoken loud one year long, in a democratic country. Sure they will try to "co-opt" her, but her benefit-risk ratio is better than years of yelling on the net
So, try to save your own internet self-reassurance ring, and let us try to save the global humanity environment, ok?
Greta was heard cause she has spoken loud one year long, in a democratic country. Sure they will try to "co-opt" her, but her benefit-risk ratio is better than years of yelling on the net
So, try to save your own internet self-reassurance ring, and let us try to save the global humanity environment, ok?
@J R
I think the closest behind her is her mother.
This means - this is Greenpeace Corporation who is behind Greta. To quote on this occasion, the words of one of the founders of this organization:
Looking at the irresponsibility and rhetoric of the young generation of the “green warriors of the West”, the Fridays4future branch of the Greenpeace Corporation follows the same principles.
yup. Greta would be nobody without a massive publicity campaign. Someone or something is bankrolling that. Find out who is behind Greta, and you will know who expects to benefit.
I think the closest behind her is her mother.
This means - this is Greenpeace Corporation who is behind Greta. To quote on this occasion, the words of one of the founders of this organization:
And thus Greenpeace has become a parasitical feel good corporation. What it sells is the illusion of caring. Support Greenpeace and be transformed into an environmentalist and no matter what you do, your conscience will be absolved because you hold a Greenpeace membership.
Looking at the irresponsibility and rhetoric of the young generation of the “green warriors of the West”, the Fridays4future branch of the Greenpeace Corporation follows the same principles.
You apparently project your own fears. And you try to instill in others your fears. I, for example, do not care about your economy. My world will not collapse. If your global economy collapses, it will only get easier for me, the formaldehyde factory will be shut down in my native land and the water will become cleaner.
But your world of satiety, state unemployment benefits, and the transfer of dirty and hard work to illiterate refugees is likely to collapse. Your ancestors have exhausted most of the local fossil resources. Your well-being depends on crypto colonialism. If suddenly the colonies stop supplying resources for your well-being, this is equivalent to the end of the world for you, as i understand it. After all, it will force you to engage in manual labor and reduce personal consumption.
No: - she was "co-opted" at the beginning of this P.R. campaign.
Before asking other questions in this thread, answer the questions that asked you. Otherwise, you're going to be a "irresponsible fighter" for a long time here.
You can't sve yourself if the world around you collapse
You apparently project your own fears. And you try to instill in others your fears. I, for example, do not care about your economy. My world will not collapse. If your global economy collapses, it will only get easier for me, the formaldehyde factory will be shut down in my native land and the water will become cleaner.
But your world of satiety, state unemployment benefits, and the transfer of dirty and hard work to illiterate refugees is likely to collapse. Your ancestors have exhausted most of the local fossil resources. Your well-being depends on crypto colonialism. If suddenly the colonies stop supplying resources for your well-being, this is equivalent to the end of the world for you, as i understand it. After all, it will force you to engage in manual labor and reduce personal consumption.
Greta was heard cause she has spoken loud one year long, in a democratic country. Sure they will try to "co-opt" her, but her benefit-risk ratio is better than years of yelling on the net
No: - she was "co-opted" at the beginning of this P.R. campaign.
So, try to save your own internet self-reassurance ring, and let us try to save the global humanity environment, ok?
Before asking other questions in this thread, answer the questions that asked you. Otherwise, you're going to be a "irresponsible fighter" for a long time here.
i guess>i suppose> i cross my obsessions with internet datas>i found the Hidden Truth
Typical conspiracy mind-state. Consider the facts. In my country, Greta spent 2 days and swept 2% voters from "don't give a fuck" to "change the system, now!"
Greta isnt a "magic girl", but for a lot of kids she's a symbol. The future is not doomed and green is the new cool, something like this. And the future matters a lot for youngs, more than these old battles we lost the last century, ok?
Typical conspiracy mind-state. Consider the facts. In my country, Greta spent 2 days and swept 2% voters from "don't give a fuck" to "change the system, now!"
Greta isnt a "magic girl", but for a lot of kids she's a symbol. The future is not doomed and green is the new cool, something like this. And the future matters a lot for youngs, more than these old battles we lost the last century, ok?
As i understand you correct, for you - Green is the color of the money, as for Greenpeace Corporation.
Before asking other questions in this thread, answer the questions that asked for you. Otherwise, you're going to be a "irresponsible fighter" for a long time here.
You cannot answer for your words. You're just a virtual fighter who promotes privileges for his future. Please do not ask others questions (even rhetorical), if you yourself avoid answers to the questions asked to you.
Greta isnt a "magic girl", but for a lot of kids she's a symbol. The future is not doomed and green is the new cool, something like this.
As i understand you correct, for you - Green is the color of the money, as for Greenpeace Corporation.
And the future matters a lot for youngs, more than these old battles we lost the last century, ok?
Before asking other questions in this thread, answer the questions that asked for you. Otherwise, you're going to be a "irresponsible fighter" for a long time here.
You cannot answer for your words. You're just a virtual fighter who promotes privileges for his future. Please do not ask others questions (even rhetorical), if you yourself avoid answers to the questions asked to you.
You cannot read the answers, we permanently give you, because you do not want answers, you want to talk, make statements, that you falsely believe, they would be yours, they are not, they are products you buy in the shop for nice oppinions, taylormade for your beautiful self.
You ask for examples?
take these:
a look in the mirror for you.
You ask for examples?
take these:
a look in the mirror for you.
What's the question asked to me? You just pretend Greta Is a sort of undercover agent sponsored by greedpeace (i don't like them too), USA and The Global Conspiracy Against Me
So, what's the question?
So, what's the question?
Greenpeace, yeah, that sounds about right. @Wolf, Greta and her mother can howl at the moon all night every night for a year and it doesn't matter without a multi-million dollar publicity campaign. That's what it takes these days. Greta and her mother are nobodies.
When I was younger, before I took an interest in how things worked, I'd always think someone was crazy if they talked about how the evil banks run the world. I mean banks seem harmless -- a big granite block building with terrazzo floors and marble columns and counter tops, their name in gilded letters high on the wall... a safe place to keep your money.
But then came Confessions of an Economic Hitman -- the start of an explanation of how modern finance really works.
And finally, you have organizations with high sounding names like Endowment for Democracy or Aid for International Development, and you might think they actually want to help anyone. But they are doing things like organizing and financing proxy armies for the empire's war machinery. And formerly progressive organizations like Greenpeace turn out to be almost as corrupt.
Frankly, I'm worried about the Free Software Foundation and the Electronic Frontier Foundation now. Companies like Microsoft sending representatives to be with them at meetings. But anyway...
Greta isn't saving the world from anything, nor does she really understand how it works. She is selling green bullshit.
When I was younger, before I took an interest in how things worked, I'd always think someone was crazy if they talked about how the evil banks run the world. I mean banks seem harmless -- a big granite block building with terrazzo floors and marble columns and counter tops, their name in gilded letters high on the wall... a safe place to keep your money.
But then came Confessions of an Economic Hitman -- the start of an explanation of how modern finance really works.
And finally, you have organizations with high sounding names like Endowment for Democracy or Aid for International Development, and you might think they actually want to help anyone. But they are doing things like organizing and financing proxy armies for the empire's war machinery. And formerly progressive organizations like Greenpeace turn out to be almost as corrupt.
Frankly, I'm worried about the Free Software Foundation and the Electronic Frontier Foundation now. Companies like Microsoft sending representatives to be with them at meetings. But anyway...
Greta isn't saving the world from anything, nor does she really understand how it works. She is selling green bullshit.
I see, you appreciate the feelgood factor of a nice simplification of nasty complex stuff. Enjoy the moralin. But dont think, anyone takes that serious.
@Hartmut Noack
No, you're lying. You just ignore my questions and requests. You just not notice it, it is your previlegy - to be irresponsible.
Ignored question to you in this thread:
I asked - are you ready to follow what you advise others? You wished to avoid a direct answer to this question.
And there unanswered questions to you from previous threads:
You're just irresponsible. You said about your "free software" sales in West Africa, but then you just hide your accomplices. You are hiding the name of the organization, because you know perfectly well that in the European Union for such corruption activities there will quickly be anyone willing to hold you accountable.
Please give an specific example if you are not lying.
You did not give a specific example, you gave a link to my profile without specifying a specific example. That means you lied again.
You cannot read the answers, we permanently give you, because you do not want answers, you want to talk, make statements, that you falsely believe, they would be yours, they are not, they are products you buy in the shop for nice oppinions, taylormade for your beautiful self.
No, you're lying. You just ignore my questions and requests. You just not notice it, it is your previlegy - to be irresponsible.
Ignored question to you in this thread:
> stop flying to some subtropical islan over the weekend,
Are you ready for this? I think you didn’t walk by step to West Africa to sell free software
I asked - are you ready to follow what you advise others? You wished to avoid a direct answer to this question.
And there unanswered questions to you from previous threads:
@Hartmut Noack
If you want to talk with me you must answer my questions before.
Early you said:
I was working in West Africa in April.
I develop software that draws data on maps.
It is free software build upon LAMP (Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL) and Java software that is open source also.
This will be GPLv3.
This promise you can trust. Its a promise we give our clients, african people, that hold our work for them in high esteem, because we work exactly for them and not for you or anyone else.
Our application is not proprietary but inhouse.
I will of course stay silent about the name of our project, you will not even get details on what we do and where we do it. This promise you can trust. Its a promise we give our clients, african people, that hold our work for them in high esteem, because we work exactly for them and not for you or anyone else.
Tell the name of the company where you earn from open source software in West Africa - and then i can continue the conversation with you. At the moment - you are for me an ordinary a corrupt westerner with whom i can not speak on equal terms.
Thank you in advance.
Shall we talk about Alex Jones now? The No.1 master of absurd lies? The one person in the media who actually has killed innocent people just by propagating grotesque nonsense?
If you want to talk with me you must answer my questions before.
Early you said:
I was working in West Africa in April.
I develop software that draws data on maps.
It is free software build upon LAMP (Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL) and Java software that is open source also.
This will be GPLv3.
This promise you can trust. Its a promise we give our clients, african people, that hold our work for them in high esteem, because we work exactly for them and not for you or anyone else.
Our application is not proprietary but inhouse.
I will of course stay silent about the name of our project, you will not even get details on what we do and where we do it. This promise you can trust. Its a promise we give our clients, african people, that hold our work for them in high esteem, because we work exactly for them and not for you or anyone else.
Tell the name of the company where you earn from open source software in West Africa - and then i can continue the conversation with you. At the moment - you are for me an ordinary a corrupt westerner with whom i can not speak on equal terms.
Thank you in advance.
You're just irresponsible. You said about your "free software" sales in West Africa, but then you just hide your accomplices. You are hiding the name of the organization, because you know perfectly well that in the European Union for such corruption activities there will quickly be anyone willing to hold you accountable.
You ask for examples?
Please give an specific example if you are not lying.
You did not give a specific example, you gave a link to my profile without specifying a specific example. That means you lied again.
There the proof:
Her mother the biggest Swedish activist in WWF and Greenpeace. There, all the information from which to begin her "protest" story.
I think this will be correct statement: f4f is the child of GP.
> Ivan, considering your profile and posts you're probably more "occidental colonialist" than me at home
What specific post made you say that? Please indicate specifically if you are not trying to mislead someone.
You did not indicate specifically, so as i understand you - you just tried to mislead someone
You just pretend Greta Is a sort of undercover agent sponsored by greedpeace (i don't like them too)
There the proof:
Her mother the biggest Swedish activist in WWF and Greenpeace. There, all the information from which to begin her "protest" story.
I think this will be correct statement: f4f is the child of GP.
What's the question asked to me?
So, what's the question?
> Ivan, considering your profile and posts you're probably more "occidental colonialist" than me at home
What specific post made you say that? Please indicate specifically if you are not trying to mislead someone.
You did not indicate specifically, so as i understand you - you just tried to mislead someone
@J R
Aral Balkan wrote the following post 6 years ago
#copyleft #copyright #fsf #google #infosec #microsoft #property #revision #software #usa

Frankly, I'm worried about the Free Software Foundation and the Electronic Frontier Foundation now. Companies like Microsoft sending representatives to be with them at meetings. But anyway...
Why we can’t regulate Google, etc:
Because of useful idiots like @conservancy legitimising them by being sponsored by them.
Me: Google is a surveillance capitalist that makes billions tracking and profiling you. They are a threat to our human rights and democracy. We just regulate them.
Policymaker: you must be mistaken, they’re the good guys. Look, here they are allowed to sponsor CopyLeft Conf with the FSF logo displayed proudly next to theirs.
Because of useful idiots like @conservancy legitimising them by being sponsored by them.
Me: Google is a surveillance capitalist that makes billions tracking and profiling you. They are a threat to our human rights and democracy. We just regulate them.
Policymaker: you must be mistaken, they’re the good guys. Look, here they are allowed to sponsor CopyLeft Conf with the FSF logo displayed proudly next to theirs.
#copyleft #copyright #fsf #google #infosec #microsoft #property #revision #software #usa

Bad news:
#infosec #linux #microsoft
This year, the hacking of the Linux kernel and most of the open projects (nginx, OpenSSL, Apache httpd) were excluded from the prize nominations. In the past years, hacking was limited to the demonstration of a 0-day Linux kernel vulnerability in 2017 that allows a local user to elevate their privileges in the system. Distribution Ubuntu removed from the number of environments for hacking. Of the open projects, only browsers (Firefox, Chrome) and VirtualBox are left in the nominations, but exploits for them must be demonstrated in the Windows environment.
#infosec #linux #microsoft
OK so you're a russian troll, as you act like a russian troll. You can't prove you're not a troll, so you are. Do you understand how scheming is your way of thinking?
You pretend Greta is a propaganda agent considering her background, i consider she does a great job considering facts
You live on the net, i live in the reality. Change your reality filter, it's obsolete since 1986, your firewall can't stop real propaganda virus
You pretend Greta is a propaganda agent considering her background, i consider she does a great job considering facts
You live on the net, i live in the reality. Change your reality filter, it's obsolete since 1986, your firewall can't stop real propaganda virus
I am not a russian, also i am not troll.
This means you are projecting and you cannot prove it related to yourself. I can say my real address - you will come and check it yourself. But you are afraid because you are a troll yourself, you hide your name, your address, your real identity. I do not hide anything, I have nothing to hide.
Yes, very well.
I do not pretend, i provide documents and information confirming this:
This is not surprising, because you are a direct beneficiary of this propaganda campaign.
Apparently you said it about yourself. My firewall has been well tuned for more 15 years now; it blocks unauthorized propaganda:
OK so you're a russian troll, as you act like a russian troll.
I am not a russian, also i am not troll.
You can't prove you're not a troll, so you are.
This means you are projecting and you cannot prove it related to yourself. I can say my real address - you will come and check it yourself. But you are afraid because you are a troll yourself, you hide your name, your address, your real identity. I do not hide anything, I have nothing to hide.
Do you understand how scheming is your way of thinking?
Yes, very well.
You pretend Greta is a propaganda agent considering her background
I do not pretend, i provide documents and information confirming this:
i consider she does a great job considering facts
This is not surprising, because you are a direct beneficiary of this propaganda campaign.
You live on the net, i live in the reality. Change your reality filter, it's obsolete since 1986, your firewall can't stop real propaganda virus
Apparently you said it about yourself. My firewall has been well tuned for more 15 years now; it blocks unauthorized propaganda:
I installed self-firewall for USAmerican popculture 15 years ago. My perception of reality is not distorted as the CIA and the Pentagon want it. At least the past 15 years.
@WeirdWolf** also you continue to ignore my simple question.
You did not indicate specifically, so as i understand you - you just tried to mislead someone.
> Ivan, considering your profile and posts you're probably more "occidental colonialist" than me at home
What specific post made you say that? Please indicate specifically if you are not trying to mislead someone.
You did not indicate specifically, so as i understand you - you just tried to mislead someone.
@ivan zlax you say:
"I am not a russian, also i am not troll."
You just say that but that means nothing. You also say, that you are a coder but dont know anything about software development, you say, that you are a free software activist but you demonstrate, that you know not, what the 4 freedoms mean. You say, that you are an expert in calendar math while you demonstrate, that you do not even know, what a calendar is.
And in this post you fight hard for British Petrol, the american perochemical industry and the american Trump regime while you say, that you do not fight at all.
What you say, gospodin, means nothing. What you do points to what you are.
"I am not a russian, also i am not troll."
You just say that but that means nothing. You also say, that you are a coder but dont know anything about software development, you say, that you are a free software activist but you demonstrate, that you know not, what the 4 freedoms mean. You say, that you are an expert in calendar math while you demonstrate, that you do not even know, what a calendar is.
And in this post you fight hard for British Petrol, the american perochemical industry and the american Trump regime while you say, that you do not fight at all.
What you say, gospodin, means nothing. What you do points to what you are.
@Ivan, I thought you were Russian, because you pointed to a place on the map once, or gave coordinates, that fell within the boundary of Russia, and because you frequently post in Cyrillic.
As for @Hartmut and @WeirdWolf, they seem to think anyone with whom they disagree is a troll. Or they are projecting, because they are trolls themselves.
As for @Hartmut and @WeirdWolf, they seem to think anyone with whom they disagree is a troll. Or they are projecting, because they are trolls themselves.
@Hartmut Noack
Please, do not lie. I never said that i am a coder. I would never call myself that, i don't think i am coder about myself.
For some reason, you're constantly lying about me, in different threads. You speak things about me that I did not say. I have two explanations for this:
- this is a manipulation designed in the hope that i will also do so;
- you consider this an argument in the debate, when you can’t say something essentially to defend your arguments, you can’t refute my arguments, but for purpose to disagree with me - saying some your personal fantasy about me.
I know something about software development:
I was a registered open source software activist in my region for many years:
Please, do not lie: i never said it, i never call myrself as expert in something. But, speaking by the way, when it took me to find the gregorian calendar time of intermediate 4 solar holidays - i quickly did it:
And i repeat once again, i do not fight for anything. I can expose conspiracies, fakes, propaganda - this is one of my favorite activities. If all the information coming from me is perceived by you as a fight, somehow painfully - this is a problem of your perception. For me, this is fun and exciting pastime: find documents, contradictions, inconvenient information, etc., i myself do not perceive it as a fight. Please stop speaking for me and stop try to hang your personal projection on me. Please stop speaking for me and stop try to hang your personal projection on me.
I am not your gospodin. Do not ask me about it.
You also say, that you are a coder but dont know anything about software development
Please, do not lie. I never said that i am a coder. I would never call myself that, i don't think i am coder about myself.
For some reason, you're constantly lying about me, in different threads. You speak things about me that I did not say. I have two explanations for this:
- this is a manipulation designed in the hope that i will also do so;
- you consider this an argument in the debate, when you can’t say something essentially to defend your arguments, you can’t refute my arguments, but for purpose to disagree with me - saying some your personal fantasy about me.
but dont know anything about software development, you say, that you are a free software activist but you demonstrate, that you know not, what the 4 freedoms mean.
I know something about software development:
I was a registered open source software activist in my region for many years:
You say, that you are an expert in calendar math while you demonstrate, that you do not even know, what a calendar is.
Please, do not lie: i never said it, i never call myrself as expert in something. But, speaking by the way, when it took me to find the gregorian calendar time of intermediate 4 solar holidays - i quickly did it:
And in this post you fight hard for British Petrol, the american perochemical industry and the american Trump regime while you say, that you do not fight at all.
And i repeat once again, i do not fight for anything. I can expose conspiracies, fakes, propaganda - this is one of my favorite activities. If all the information coming from me is perceived by you as a fight, somehow painfully - this is a problem of your perception. For me, this is fun and exciting pastime: find documents, contradictions, inconvenient information, etc., i myself do not perceive it as a fight. Please stop speaking for me and stop try to hang your personal projection on me. Please stop speaking for me and stop try to hang your personal projection on me.
What you say, gospodin, means nothing.
I am not your gospodin. Do not ask me about it.
@J R
The Russian Federation is an occupation entity. I was born in the USSR, i am a citizen of the USSR. Russian as person - for me this is an insult, i ask you not to call me that at all. Russian for me is equivalent to the concept of "Moskal" - this is the representative of the invaders and occupiers.
If someone calls me "Russian" - i will regard this as a deliberate insult. Let him try to tell me this in the eye.
Try calling the Ukrainian “Russian”, listen to what they tell you. Or try to call the Irishman "Englishman". Compared to their answers, my answer will seem very modest and detailed.
@Ivan, I thought you were Russian, because you pointed to a place on the map once, or gave coordinates, that fell within the boundary of Russia, and because you frequently post in Cyrillic.
The Russian Federation is an occupation entity. I was born in the USSR, i am a citizen of the USSR. Russian as person - for me this is an insult, i ask you not to call me that at all. Russian for me is equivalent to the concept of "Moskal" - this is the representative of the invaders and occupiers.
If someone calls me "Russian" - i will regard this as a deliberate insult. Let him try to tell me this in the eye.
Try calling the Ukrainian “Russian”, listen to what they tell you. Or try to call the Irishman "Englishman". Compared to their answers, my answer will seem very modest and detailed.
@Hartmut Noack
You contradict yourself. If you does not count what i say, you wouldn’t have to answer. Your words disagree with your deeds. You are very and very excited by what i say. You often comment on my posts and even my comments on other posts.
What part of ""what you say, does not count" do you not understand?
You contradict yourself. If you does not count what i say, you wouldn’t have to answer. Your words disagree with your deeds. You are very and very excited by what i say. You often comment on my posts and even my comments on other posts.
@J R I looked on it just now: - this article is incomplete. Moskali also - this is how people in RussianFed call “insatiable Moscow”: wealthy residents of the capital and their federal representatives in the regions who collect and rob people of the Republics of the Federation. The derogatory form of "Moskalik" is widespread, often people define it by car registration numbers (typical region codes: 77, 99, 97, 177, 199, 197, 777, 799) - Locals are often trying to cheat, sometimes deceive and rob this privileged Moskali. Even the traffic police (civil servants) in the regions rob Moskaliki, nobody here respects them.
"Russians" are the same thing, but with an emphasis on Piter (Leningrad), not Moscow. Russia is Prussia without the letter P.
"Russians" are the same thing, but with an emphasis on Piter (Leningrad), not Moscow. Russia is Prussia without the letter P.
Try calling the Ukrainian “Russian”, listen to what they tell you. Or try to call the Irishman “Englishman”. Compared to their answers, my answer will seem very modest and detailed.
I was not interested in Russian history until about 2014. Someone on another forum, an American who is married to a Russian, pointed out what was going on in the Ukraine at the time (riots on the Maidan, shootings, Yanukovich fled for his life, Poroshenko assumed power, the US Ambassador was in the middle of all of it, and Lugansk was bombed with antipersonnel missiles, right to the city center). I suspect that it would depend on whom in the Ukraine you ask. Some Ukrainians identify as Novorossiyan. And there is a crazy Englishman who posts videos and stories from Donetsk. Also a crazy Texan.
Since becoming interested, and following Russians who write in English, I have learned much, and have come to realize that there is vastly much more I do not know about Russia, the RF, and the former SSR's. And of course, there are many different points of view within the RF. Some merely post USA propaganda, and others have deeper roots in that land.
As for English, Irish, and Scots, I can tell the difference, and would not usually insult one by calling him another. Although there was one time when I mistook a Kiwi for an Australian.
@J R
Vatnik for me is fine. I like it more: "wattnick". I have valenki, wattnick and ear-flaps. Very comfortable uniform in the winter:

(on this photo is not mine wears, i attached it for understanding initial meaning of this word)
Wattnick closer to the "Sovok". I am not against this, i was born in the USSR.
I have also heard the term "Vatnik" -- named for a quilted winter coat stuffed with cotton.
Vatnik for me is fine. I like it more: "wattnick". I have valenki, wattnick and ear-flaps. Very comfortable uniform in the winter:

(on this photo is not mine wears, i attached it for understanding initial meaning of this word)
Wattnick closer to the "Sovok". I am not against this, i was born in the USSR.
@J R
Apologies are accepted. In turn, i would like to clarify it with you - how is it more convenient for you that i call you related to group identification? I call USA citizens "USAmericans" (i noticed many of them do not like it). I heard about Texas separatism, so i would not call them USAmericans, but would call them Texans. Maybe you generally consider yourself a refugee in distant lands, you identify yourself with a Roman. Please say it - and i will take it into account.
And, my sincere apologies for using the word 'Russian' for anyone from Piter to Vladivostok.
Apologies are accepted. In turn, i would like to clarify it with you - how is it more convenient for you that i call you related to group identification? I call USA citizens "USAmericans" (i noticed many of them do not like it). I heard about Texas separatism, so i would not call them USAmericans, but would call them Texans. Maybe you generally consider yourself a refugee in distant lands, you identify yourself with a Roman. Please say it - and i will take it into account.
I grew up as a Hoosier, and moved to Texas in 1980. but I do not think of Texas as a separate entity.
I think of myself as an American.
And yes, I know, Mexicans and Venezuelans and Argentinians and Uruguayans are also Americans.
I think of myself as an American.
And yes, I know, Mexicans and Venezuelans and Argentinians and Uruguayans are also Americans.
Well, OK, I apologize for not being clear enough: It does not count, what you say about yourself, when many other things you do contadict such statement.
When you say "Western “green” politics is ordinary crypto-colonialism" then you effectively fight for British Petrol, many others may think, that in that case you only fight for Gazprom, but Gazprom and BP are close allies in the fight against everything, Greta Tunberg stands for.
Your intention and what you think yourself about your statement is irrelevant. By opposing and smearing the fridays for future movement you still fight against it.
And thus it does not count, when you say "I do not fight". Because you do fight. Its like you would say "I love to eat raw meat and you should eat that also!" and then you would say: "I am a vegetarian, no animal should be killed to be eaten!"
I apologize again for the metaphore. Please be so kind and read, what a metaphore is, before you claim, that you would never have said anything about raw meat:
When you say "Western “green” politics is ordinary crypto-colonialism" then you effectively fight for British Petrol, many others may think, that in that case you only fight for Gazprom, but Gazprom and BP are close allies in the fight against everything, Greta Tunberg stands for.
Your intention and what you think yourself about your statement is irrelevant. By opposing and smearing the fridays for future movement you still fight against it.
And thus it does not count, when you say "I do not fight". Because you do fight. Its like you would say "I love to eat raw meat and you should eat that also!" and then you would say: "I am a vegetarian, no animal should be killed to be eaten!"
I apologize again for the metaphore. Please be so kind and read, what a metaphore is, before you claim, that you would never have said anything about raw meat:
English nitpick: there is no 'e' at the end of 'metaphor'.
and, isn't it a bit of a stretch, to say that anyone who disagrees with Greta's rhetoric, is in favor of BP or Gazprom?
What Greta is doing is trying to start a fight -- but i seriously doubt that she writes her own stuff. And the people who back her are apparently trying to dismantle civilization. They are trying to get all the extremists fighting each other.
and, isn't it a bit of a stretch, to say that anyone who disagrees with Greta's rhetoric, is in favor of BP or Gazprom?
What Greta is doing is trying to start a fight -- but i seriously doubt that she writes her own stuff. And the people who back her are apparently trying to dismantle civilization. They are trying to get all the extremists fighting each other.
@Hartmut Noack
No, i'm just exposing their P.R. Like many other P.R. and propaganda. By your logic, it turns out that i am fighting with the whole world. But your opinion does not matter, you're just a corruptioner who sell free software in Africa and not responsible for his words and deeds. I’m not fighting with anyone, i’ll repeat it again - exposing propaganda, conspiracies and fakes is an exciting pastime for me it is not fighting.
No. It is your personal projection.
No. I do not accept your apologies. In the previous comment, I told you directly:
Please stop speaking for me and stop try to hang your personal projection on me.
But you keep doing it. Your apologies are not accepted. It seems that you are just trying to demonstrate your Western superiority: supposedly you know better i’m fighting or not fighting what I know about myself. Supposedly, your opinion of me is "higher" my own opinion of myself. Despite the fact that i asked you not to do this - you repeat it again and again. It seems that you have lost control of yourself and your emotions, it seems that you do not control yourself.
Your intention and what you think yourself about your statement is irrelevant. By opposing and smearing the fridays for future movement you still fight against it.
No, i'm just exposing their P.R. Like many other P.R. and propaganda. By your logic, it turns out that i am fighting with the whole world. But your opinion does not matter, you're just a corruptioner who sell free software in Africa and not responsible for his words and deeds. I’m not fighting with anyone, i’ll repeat it again - exposing propaganda, conspiracies and fakes is an exciting pastime for me it is not fighting.
And thus it does not count, when you say "I do not fight". Because you do fight.
No. It is your personal projection.
I apologize again for the metaphore.
No. I do not accept your apologies. In the previous comment, I told you directly:
Please stop speaking for me and stop try to hang your personal projection on me.
But you keep doing it. Your apologies are not accepted. It seems that you are just trying to demonstrate your Western superiority: supposedly you know better i’m fighting or not fighting what I know about myself. Supposedly, your opinion of me is "higher" my own opinion of myself. Despite the fact that i asked you not to do this - you repeat it again and again. It seems that you have lost control of yourself and your emotions, it seems that you do not control yourself.
@J R you ask:
"isn’t it a bit of a stretch, to say that anyone who disagrees with Greta’s rhetoric, is in favor of BP or Gazprom?"
That is indeed a sound question. Well, I think, effectively opposing Tunbergs POV is not neccessarily in favour of BP/Gazprom. But it is in fact fighting for the fossil fuel indistries and their investors, if one smears the whole movement as "crypto-colonialism". Apart from the plain fact, that that is bizarre nonsense, it promotes to be against the very intent of fridays for future: reduce CO2 in order to save mankind from a major cataclysm. Taxation of CO2 production is the least every fecken govt in the world has to do, or else that govt should fall and be replaced by a more responsible one very soon. That should begin with the Trump administration in the US.
Criticing Tunberg for how she acts is perfectly legitimate, who criticises her for **what* she is out to do, stands with BP, Gazprom, Shell, Trump and others against , well.... mankind.
"isn’t it a bit of a stretch, to say that anyone who disagrees with Greta’s rhetoric, is in favor of BP or Gazprom?"
That is indeed a sound question. Well, I think, effectively opposing Tunbergs POV is not neccessarily in favour of BP/Gazprom. But it is in fact fighting for the fossil fuel indistries and their investors, if one smears the whole movement as "crypto-colonialism". Apart from the plain fact, that that is bizarre nonsense, it promotes to be against the very intent of fridays for future: reduce CO2 in order to save mankind from a major cataclysm. Taxation of CO2 production is the least every fecken govt in the world has to do, or else that govt should fall and be replaced by a more responsible one very soon. That should begin with the Trump administration in the US.
Criticing Tunberg for how she acts is perfectly legitimate, who criticises her for **what* she is out to do, stands with BP, Gazprom, Shell, Trump and others against , well.... mankind.
I do not care for what you accept, @ivan zlax the apology was of course ironic, and you fell for it...
the people bulldozing the planet's remaining forests to put in 'biofuel' plantations will never, NEVER pay enough tax on the CO2 their project fails to remove from the air.
and the indigenous people of Brazil can never be sufficiently compensated for the destruction of their homes.
also, any sufficiently burdensome tax on coal, oil, and gas will simply cause the collapse of the global economy. it that is what you want, start congratulating Trump for his trade war.
there isn't going to be any realistic common sense policy change out of this publicity campaign. there will be idiotic things like subsidies for Tesla Motors, however.
and the indigenous people of Brazil can never be sufficiently compensated for the destruction of their homes.
also, any sufficiently burdensome tax on coal, oil, and gas will simply cause the collapse of the global economy. it that is what you want, start congratulating Trump for his trade war.
there isn't going to be any realistic common sense policy change out of this publicity campaign. there will be idiotic things like subsidies for Tesla Motors, however.
Tunbergs movement is not the fuckin american upper middleclass liberals. A sufficiently tax on fossil fuel will come and it will help to transform the global economy from a mere moneymaking machine for some investors to what economy is in fact meant to be: a machine that produces needed goods as they are needed.
here is what Greta is doing:
to atone for the sin of CO2, you must pay X amount of money to the global authority on this weighty topic. it will not benefit any deserving party, nor will any money be due from the corporations or armies which are doing seven or eight orders of magnitude more damage, but it will fulfill your need for atonement. the weather will no longer be your fault.
to atone for the sin of CO2, you must pay X amount of money to the global authority on this weighty topic. it will not benefit any deserving party, nor will any money be due from the corporations or armies which are doing seven or eight orders of magnitude more damage, but it will fulfill your need for atonement. the weather will no longer be your fault.
Where does she do something like that?
Could it be, that you are simply appalled by a scandinavian leftwing Girl, who stands for a movement of young people, who dont share most of your convictions?
Could it be, that you are simply appalled by a scandinavian leftwing Girl, who stands for a movement of young people, who dont share most of your convictions?
A sufficiently tax on fossil fuel will come and it will help to transform the global economy...
from this, I infer that you are a supporter of Mr. Trump's trade war? it will indeed transform the global economy.
scandinavian leftwing Girl,
I think she's an pretty girl, who will grow into an attractive woman some day. Where does it say she is leftwing? She is being used to represent a very fascist publicity campaign.
Do you consider yourself leftwing? Or anti fascist? I do not read that in your posts. The publicity campaign she is involved should be much more intense, Tunberg should have an own airplain and a budget in a 3 figure millions amount.
I mean, the people she is up against, have all that in abundance. The Koch Bros, BP, RWE, the polish, chech, russian and american coal mining bosses. And they have powerfull political leaders on their side, With the stupid but still powerfull Donald Trump in front.
You show with great clearity, that people, who simply hate western liberalism, are not only incapable to analyse and criticise that very western liberalism in a reasonable manner, but usually play the helping hands of the reactionary rightwing.
I see two ways the world we all live in could develop:
1.) The new right manages it to become the new political management of the economical top 1% with your help, and the climate change will cause ecological and social cataclysms never seen before, the latter may lead to open fascism. You, @ivan zlax and all your buddies can congratulate yourself then for helping to destroy the environment in favour for the 1% of the most wealthy.
2.) The new social and ecological movements win and economy will be transformed to better ways, social inequality will be reduced, proper nourishment, medical aid(Vaccination etc), education and political freedom will become available for most people on earth. Tunberg will be a small part of that, you are not. But rejoice: since we are humanists, the concentration camps and mass murders, your idiols(Alex Jones etc al) dream of for us, will not be set up for you.
I mean, the people she is up against, have all that in abundance. The Koch Bros, BP, RWE, the polish, chech, russian and american coal mining bosses. And they have powerfull political leaders on their side, With the stupid but still powerfull Donald Trump in front.
You show with great clearity, that people, who simply hate western liberalism, are not only incapable to analyse and criticise that very western liberalism in a reasonable manner, but usually play the helping hands of the reactionary rightwing.
I see two ways the world we all live in could develop:
1.) The new right manages it to become the new political management of the economical top 1% with your help, and the climate change will cause ecological and social cataclysms never seen before, the latter may lead to open fascism. You, @ivan zlax and all your buddies can congratulate yourself then for helping to destroy the environment in favour for the 1% of the most wealthy.
2.) The new social and ecological movements win and economy will be transformed to better ways, social inequality will be reduced, proper nourishment, medical aid(Vaccination etc), education and political freedom will become available for most people on earth. Tunberg will be a small part of that, you are not. But rejoice: since we are humanists, the concentration camps and mass murders, your idiols(Alex Jones etc al) dream of for us, will not be set up for you.
@Hartmut Noack, by the way, are you still hiding the name of the organization on whose behalf you were making money by selling free software in West Africa this year.
Tell me honestly - did you fly by plane to West Africa to sell free software to them?
Tell me honestly - did you fly by plane to West Africa to sell free software to them?
liberal ≠ leftwing. at all. @Hartmut Noack, be sure to pay your carbon indulgence. That will give you the right to continue to blame everyone else for the weather. And to ignore the imperial war machinery.
So, Greta needs an airplane! That's rich. I mean what better way to save the environment than jetting around all over the planet and ranting at people!
So, Greta needs an airplane! That's rich. I mean what better way to save the environment than jetting around all over the planet and ranting at people!
Tunberg is doing something, she is not some moraline junky bitchin around on the interwebs. She should be able to do the same as much as any of her adversaries. Of course she should jet around the globe.
Saving the environment does not start with the consumtion behaviour of single people, It needs to change the political and economical system. It is a political task, no single person can make a real change.
And whoever is out to support such real change should use any ressource, that could help to make the attempt more intense and successful.
Veganism has not closed a single slaughterhouse. The political animal rights movement has.
Saving the environment does not start with the consumtion behaviour of single people, It needs to change the political and economical system. It is a political task, no single person can make a real change.
And whoever is out to support such real change should use any ressource, that could help to make the attempt more intense and successful.
Veganism has not closed a single slaughterhouse. The political animal rights movement has.
@Hartmut Noack
Tell me honestly - did you fly by plane to West Africa this April for selling free software to them?
If you are an irresponsible person who is not responsible for his words, if you are just a virtual troll writing indiscriminately, then you can not answer my question. I will understand everything, and i will take it into account in the future: i will show this thread as a demonstration of your irresponsibility, so that the interlocutors do not spend time on dialogue with someone who does not adhere to what he recommends to others.
The first and best option to reduce fossil fuels is, to reduce consumption, stop flying to some subtropical islan over the weekend
Tell me honestly - did you fly by plane to West Africa this April for selling free software to them?
If you are an irresponsible person who is not responsible for his words, if you are just a virtual troll writing indiscriminately, then you can not answer my question. I will understand everything, and i will take it into account in the future: i will show this thread as a demonstration of your irresponsibility, so that the interlocutors do not spend time on dialogue with someone who does not adhere to what he recommends to others.
Of course I fly to my work, on a fecken A230, and thats perfectly cewl, I help to reduce greenhouse gases by doing it a lot,in that short occasion that I fly around the globe I did more good for your survival than you will ever do yourself. I also helped to keep Chimpanzees save on my airborne trips.
@Hartmut Noack thanx, for your honest answer.
The first and best option to reduce fossil fuels is, to reduce consumption, stop flying to some subtropical islan over the weekend
Of course I fly to my work, on a fecken A230, and thats perfectly cewl, I help to reduce greenhouse gases by doing it a lot,in that short occasion that I fly around the globe I did more good for your survival than you will ever do yourself. I also helped to keep Chimpanzees save on my airborne trips.
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